This is an open and unfiltered diary-style journal
on the life of James Robert Smith.
This blog will contain sometimes graphic experiences (both beautiful and ugly),
sometimes stark insight, and all honest and factual documentation of dreams, diet, activity, and thoughts.
Catching up on business. I had Jamil take a peek at
Rebecca’s car. Turns out it just needed a proper jump – I drive it over to her
place. She’s grateful it wasn’t something much bigger.
Running errands. Getting groceries and such.
Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee. Chips.
Teaching lessons at Music Makers.
Addy and Rebecca happen to all be here at the end of the
shift. We talk a bit about the new changes starting in April. After Addy leaves,
Rebecca and I catch up on band money things. Now maybe I’m grasping at straws
here but when I go to give her a hug goodbye she hangs on longer than I. Those
little moments make me feel good.
I drive the bus over to this drive shaft place off Military
Highway. Ron gives me a lift back home. We chat about band money stuff and
5:30 a.m. After awakening at a gas stop in Gainesville, I
help Carlos and Dan get the bus strategically moved out of the gas station.
Then, I get settled in. Suddenly, we discover Carlos somehow got us stuck in a
sandy area at a car wash. He was trying to find a way to back out and
unfortunately our back wheels are digging deeper and deeper into the sand like
it’s quicksand.
I get out and try to help use figure a way out. Carlos is
beating himself up over it. He finds some planks and buckets of rocks but to no
avail. Nigel calls a tow but of course we’re waiting for at least an hour. Plus,
we have to unload the trailer so we can shift it by hand. It’s funny cause on
the way to Florida we had to get some drive shaft repair done in Gainesville. The
redneck tow guy shows up and uses a wench then we’re out of here!
Back to sleep in the back of the bus – I’m utterly
Waking up at a Love’s stop – snacking on a Breakfast Bar and
Catching up on computer stuff while the bus bounces around
incessantly. We’re basically driving all day long after all the setbacks.
At some point we put on the new series Mr. And Mrs. Smith
with Donald Glover. Rebecca and I were mostly interested in checking this out.
It’s a little more understated than we thought it would be – Rebecca hates the
female character and doesn’t like the pacing. Not everyone’s cup of tea. Not a
big deal cause we had lots of time to kill.
At some point we make it to Emporia for the last gas stop.
All of us order from Five Guys burgers and shakes.
Even after arriving in Virginia Beach it takes forever to
actually get home – we have to drop people off at Nigel’s then drop trailer off
at warehouse. Finally Rebecca and I get the bus to Chanticleer. To her dismay
her car won’t start though to get all her stuff back to her house. So I help
get her things over there. It’s just one thing after the other. Jeez.
Got some really good sleep on the bus – sort of awakening at
9 a.m. as everyone piles inside from the hotel. We head towards Fort
Sleeping some more then catching up on things with the
computer as Carlos and Dan drive.
Arriving at The Parker Playhouse – this place is very regal
and fancy. They have an outstanding stage crew with a head honcho, Brian, who
keeps a tight ship.
Setting up the stage and doing all the running around. They
have some interesting décor and statues here.
Experiencing a few disagreements here and there with Nigel –
he just seems stressed or like he’s taking on too much – even as I have been
taking on more.
Later on after sound check, Rebecca and I walk across the
street to grab dinner. It’s a beautiful day out, bright and shiny in a way that
only Florida can be. We try out this burrito place – they have like onion
everything so I just order something to go and we continue walking further to
an Italian joint for her to order something. We end up having to wait a while
at the bar but keep the conversation going about the band and whatever else.
Eventually, joining Ed, Casey, Sophie, Dan, and some friends
over at some outside tables at the burrito place. Little birds flutter nearby
as Rebecca tosses bread crumbs to their grateful bird selves. It’s nice having
so much time to kill before show time. Gives us a little break from confines of
the venue.
As we’re walking back waiting at a crosswalk I sneak a hug
and tell her this is nice. I don’t think I’ll ever stop crushing on her. We
come across a really cool tree in front of the venue that reminds me of The
Giving Tree. She poses for a picture.
Dressing up in our suits and black concert attire – on stage
the crowd really has some enthusiasm – we put on a very good show.
Doing a meet n greet with the fans. Then, packing up and
loading out!
Time for the overnight drive back home. We all convene in
the middle of the bus laughing and cracking jokes – sharing Ok Go music videos.
After a Love’s stop I catch up on computer stuff as everyone
passes out.
Right at 9 a.m. we hear banging and construction coming from
the floor above us. There’s no way I’m sleeping through this. I complain to the
front desk downstairs but to no avail. The lady acts like I’m inconveniencing
her by even complaining. I just pack up and resort to sleeping on the bus.
The bus starts moving at 11 a.m. Grabbing some Tea, Banana,
and a Breakfast Bar at a Wawa.
Here at the Capitol Theatre in Clearwater. We’ve been here
probably five times before. It’s a little claustrophobic but we love playing
here – energy from the crowd is always amazing and show usually sells out.
Setting up the stage and moving around like crazy.
Rebecca and I take a walk up the street to grab coffee and
an egg sandwich. Grateful to have a little bit of free time to even do this.
My stepdad Jimmy and his friend are here too. I visit with
them at a restaurant across the street.
Back at the venue. Sound check. Walking up and down the
stairs – doing various things.
Chowing down on pasta and crème brulee before we go on.
We sell out like usual with many enthusiastic faces in the
Packing up and loading out.
Dan drives the tour bus back to Lakeland. Because of the
terrible conditions of our rooms Rebecca and I decide to sleep on the bus –
it’s nice enough when the bus isn’t moving. We watch through some of the
footage from the show – critiquing and happy about some of the changes in the
Awakening officially on the tour bus around 9 a.m. at a
Love’s Truck Stop.
Gorging down a Bojangle’s egg biscuit and Tea.
After getting into Gainesville, Florida awaiting Antwan’s
plane arrival, we decide to remedy the rumbling noise the bus is having.
Dropping by a shop that can do a quick turnaround job repairing a u-bolt on the
drive shaft. Meanwhile, a few of us take a 20 minute walk up the street through
car dealership land. Eating some grub and coffee at a local diner called The
Clock, a homey place with all kinds of clocks on the wall believe it or not.
At some point, we pay the mechanic and now we’re off to the
Reilly Arts Center in Ocala!
Even though we arrive a little late we still manage to get
everything set up and stay on schedule.
Lunch and dinner hospitality is on point.
Just outside I take a little break and go on a stroll around
the park – kids playing pickup basketball and running around the playground –
Mallard ducks and cranes living their best life in the lake – I try to take a
moment and think on things. I’ve been sad lately and feeling deprived of things
in my life. Firstly, I’m lovesick if I’m gonna be honest. I miss the dynamic
Rebecca and I used to have, the romantic one. I don’t know where we’re at but I
do know she’s still got her wall up. But I can tell she still cares about me
and is interested in maintaining some kind of close friendship.
Time to get on stage and play the show – it’s basically a
full house – second time performing here. A few flubs here and there but we
elicit a great response!
Packing up and loading out – for some reason we’re not
getting immediate help from the venue guys. That kind of slows us down but we manage.
Carlos drives us to the hotel in Lakeland (Baymont by
Wyndham). This place turns out to be completely under renovation. Walking
through the halls carpentry stuff is everywhere. Not what I expected when I
booked the rooms here.
Rebecca and I get settled in – I’m feeling weird and emotional
about her lately cause she has absolutely put up a big romantic wall. I start a
dialogue with her about it as we sit on separate beds. There’s a lot of
resentment that built up at the end of last year that really put a damper on
things, mostly caused by me and my whole getting-over-past-relationship things.
We shed a few tears talking about it. Our friendship is well established and
already has a good foundation, something I don’t think will ever dissipate. But
I’m terribly lovesick over her to be honest. I just have a lot of feelings
about it.
“But my heart is so
pure right now!”
“I wish I could have
another chance.”
“I just can’t right now,” she says.
We leave off on a good note though and with some understanding
I suppose.
Running errands – taking the bus to the warehouse to make
sure the trailer is good to go and hitch it up. Nigel is here doing some last
minute fixes on the air duct and whatever else. Discovering the bus is still
rumbling even after Jamil repaired the exhaust pipe. We think it’s the
manifold. Trying to find last minute ways we could get it fixed but there’s no
Tempeh Bacon. Avocado. English Muffin. Tomatoes. Coffee.
Teaching lessons at Music Makers.
Driving Rebecca and I on the tour bus to link up with the
ELO band at the warehouse. We leave a little bit later than we wanted – having
to stop by Ed’s to pick up Casey and Kevin.
Enjoying some leftover Pasta, Broccoli, and Garlic Bread for
Finally, we’re actually on the road – Carlos takes the first
shift. The bus is vibrating like crazy – feels almost like an airplane.
Catching up on stuff at the computer.
Then, going to sleep in the back of the bus – interrupted by
gas stops here and there.
Catching up on accounting business – running to the bank –
grabbing groceries.
Eggs. Baby Broccoli. Bagel. Tempeh Bacon. Coffee.
Teaching lessons at Music Makers.
Pasta, Salad, and Garlic Bread for dinner.
I take some measurements and cut some board at the studio
for this makeshift plan to cover up the openings in Rebecca’s couch so her cats
can’t get stuck. It’s a bit of work but I go over to her place and drill in the
boards – it works perfectly. We hang out for a while just chatting about band
stuff and such. I really want to say a few things but I hold off for now.
Today is quite a blur. MMLIVE band rehearsals all afternoon,
three student bands and one teacher band. Stoked and proud of all the bands
cause everything is sounding really good!
Later on, I drive over to Nigel’s to meet with him and Ron –
business meeting regarding Oxford and this week.
Finally home after a long, long day! Didn’t even feel like
writing much.
Waking up off and on – the bus is still trekking its way
north east towards home. Gas stops here and there.
Eventually, I awaken myself to the seat – we arrive in VB at
a great time with much left in the day to get stuff done. Unhitching the
trailer, we notice the exhaust pipe under the bus broke off a bit – one more
thing we need to fix.
Back in Chanticleer. Unpacking and eating lunch.
Driving over to Bobby Alderman’s shop to collect these
hairpin piano legs he cut for me – I trade him some old family guns and ammo.
Meanwhile, his mother is sitting there knitting in a rocking chair.
Then, I help Rebecca troubleshoot her leak under the sink
and some other various things she needed help with. We talk more about the band
drama and money issues. I wish we didn’t waste so much time together on topics
like this but sometimes it’s inevitable.
Beef with Pasta, Baby Broccoli, Carrots, and Garlic Bread.
Waking up off and on throughout the long bus ride – I think
I did manage to get some decent sleep.
At some point the tour bus arrives in Oxford, Alabama –
we’re playing at the performing arts center. Not too long ago we performed here
less than a year ago. It’s such a beautiful day – cloudy and warm.
I corral Addy, Rebecca, Sophie, and Nigel to check out
Southern Girl Coffee across the street. There’s a friendly brown dog trotting
around greeting everyone. A boy in rain boots plays with toys in a small
puddle. Meanwhile, Nigel (dressed in neon construction green) sits in the
background in one of those plastic dome shelters.
At the venue, we load in and start getting set up. We always
love this place cause the food is good – we always sell out – the staff are
Carlos wasn’t able to join us so I’m somewhat inclined to
pick up the slack – setting up the drum riser – repairing a wheel on the Midas
rack with Mike (a very helpful venue guy). Doing all kinds of stuff marching up
and down stairs. Eating a sandwich at some point.
Sound check goes a little long but necessary I think with
this extra boomy sounding room.
Dinner is of course delicious: Chicken with Mashed Potatoes,
Green Beans, and Banana Pudding.
We put on our two set show to a sold out crowd – seriously
the roar of the crowd was electric.
Packing up and loading out. There’s always so much to get
Back on the bus getting ready to go – we’re all ravenous and
snack on anything we can find. Reflecting on the show and how lovely the whole
day really was – everything mostly went right.