Monday February 1 2010


12:20pm I wake up.

My dream: There’s all of these people on a giant hill. They’re a part of some secret society in the woods near by. One of their traditions is to meet on this particular hill. I’m with Josiah and we walk with our horses to meet with the leader. Our purpose there is to retrieve something. But we can’t let them know about it.

My milk went sour so I settled for a Bagel with Cream Cheese and Orange Juice for breakfast with Zinc and Vitamin E.

Edwin moved out of the house today and we have a new roommate, Kyle King.

I buy some groceries and go to a few thrift stores and find some drinking glasses and a silverware tray for the house.

Lunch: toasted Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jelly Sandwich with Baked Lay’s and Honey Green Tea.

I sell my parent’s gas range stove.

I eat Tomatoes, Basil, and Mozzarella in Balsamic Vinegar. Also with Edamame Soybeans and Rice.

I sit in my room and organize my music. I think about how completely safe I feel when listening to music.

I sift through some dream files I have of other’s and my own.

[i] Music in Tune by Phil Gray.

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