Thursday March 4 2010


I stumble out of bed around 12:47pm.

Dream: An airplane, not flying but jumping up and down through a sector in a city where people work. I’m riding in this airplane and see offices, through the windows, men and women shuffling papers and running around cubicles, typing, on the phone. I’m afraid we might hit the side of a wall or crash but I trust the system. Men with poles and flags waving down the airplane to make a stop. All of us get out. In a man’s kitchen searching for water. He directs me to the freezer where I see 4 glass water jars, all of them in different shapes and flavors of water. One is shaped like a penis and contains pepper water. I can see the pepper settled at the bottom. One is shaped like a swan and contains limewater. And the other two are unrecognizable abstract shapes. I take a drink from the penis jar.

Breakfast: Hot Cream of Wheat Cereal, Orange Juice, Zinc.

Phil and I deliver the dresser for $60 and stop by his dad’s house to pick up a few of his things including his mattress for us to sell.

Lunch: Toasted Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jelly Sandwich and a half, Baked Lay’s, Pomegranate Red and White Tea.

While working at China Wok, I set up a meeting through Phil to sell a mattress for $50. Business is slow at work. Kevin, my boss, shows me his American coin and bill collection. When I get home, Elliott, Wes, and Phil are already on chatting with random strangers. We sell a mattress to two jovial ladies for $50.

Dinner: Vegetable Lo Mein, two slices of Fruit Tart.

I play Art, Phil, and Kyle King in a few games of Foosball. There are wins and there are losses.

I figure out how to get rid of those dumb horizontal lines (de-interlacing) that show up in videos you post on Facebook or Youtube using Sony Vegas Movie Studio.

I make French Fries and Edamame Soybeans and drink a German beer from Trader Joe’s.

I play some songs on the painted guitar.

I edit the video from the last Show N Tell.

I clean my teeth and shower.

Sleep around 6am.

[i] A Perfect Horizon. Bas Princen.

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