Saturday April 17 2010


3:23 p.m. I open my eyes.

DREAM: Walking the halls of my old high school. Few people are there and the classrooms are dark. I keep picking up quarters and nickels off the ground. I don’t want anyone to notice me doing this. I step through a door where the staircase is and Hershel walks in. We try to figure out why so many people haven’t arrived to school yet. Apparently, he sent out a mass text or tweet to all students - “Let’s make our point! Everybody come to school 15 minutes late.” I start walking back through the hallway continuing to collect quarters and nickels. I see really big coins placed in the doorway of the classrooms. I decide not to take those because they look purposeful. A teacher for my spelling class approaches me with two graded papers or tests. She hands me them and makes cryptic comments about how I may or may not have gotten a good grade. I walk into the classroom. Students are sitting down at their desks. I find a seat way in the back and off to the side. I see an unusually large book lying at the teacher’s desk called The Drawing Book. It’s made of dry erase board and there are pictures of black and white tigers and other wild cats colored in with markers similar to those posters made of felt fabric that you can get from department stores. I open it up on both sides while a friend and I marvel at the cool drawings. Vinnie from Mas Y Mas runs into the room telling me I need to join him in some activist school prank. “Let me get my bags first.” I walk back to my seat with no intention of leaving. When I arrive to my desk, a really cute black girl has moved her seat next to mine. She makes a few playful jokes about my personality.

Breakfast: Hot Cream of Wheat Cereal with Vanilla, Brown Sugar, and Milk. Fresh Mango. Orange Juice.

Glasses are becoming scarce in the house.

Lunch: Tuna Salad Sandwich with Phil’s Homemade Bread. Salt N Vinegar Chips. Jasmine Green Tea. Phil says it taste like Honeysuckle in a glass.

Work at China Wok. I deliver an order to apartment #1111.

I stretch and exercise doing ab-rolls while watching a Tony Robbins appearance on TED.

Dinner: Cumin and Ginger Chicken with Onions and Green Onions. Rice. Green Beans and Squash.

House Warming Party at Nikki and Kelly’s apartment above The Painted Lady in Norfolk. I meet some incredible people and see old friends. Music fires up in the den. I grab the guitar and play familiar tunes. Kelly’s soulful voice. Phil’s bluesy antics. Josiah’s water jug percussion. Tambourines. Drums. Spoons. Everybody singing. Free spirits.

I snack on two pieces of Toast and a Banana.

I shower then sleep around 7 a.m.

[i] Kelly and Phil. Image by me.

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