Saturday May 22 2010


DREAM: With Elliott and an unknown girl. We’re trying to lock ourselves in this classroom to escape from an evil boss and his sidekick. I try to lock the door and hold it shut. I put my foot down to keep the door in place but the sidekick is strong. I get mad and throw a black chair across the room hitting the foosball table – breaking one of the handlebars. There are three other doors. I tell Elliott to keep guard of the other ones. The boss arrives trying to get in. Elliott and I slip out one of the doors and run out the building, leaping down the side of a hill with brown hay straw covering the ground. I can hear the boss and his sidekick cursing and yelling out loud behind me. I get ahead of Elliott and keep running as hard as I can. At this point, I experience a familiar moment I had in another dream where I was stuck inside a wobbling slide and tried to lift myself up into the sky. I reach out my hands as I hear a narrator speaking, “Reach out your hands to God…” I feel myself being lifted immediately and everything flashes around me.

3:08 p.m. I wake up.

Breakfast: Hot Oat Bran with Cinnamon, Brown Sugar, Blueberries, and Milk. Orange Mango Juice. Zinc and Biotin.

Mom and Jimmy come over to the house.
Jimmy is snoring on the grey couch.
Mom is talking on the phone in the kitchen as she wipes down the counters.
Kenneth calls me for advice on a cell phone service and what kind of laptop he should buy.

Lunch: Toasted Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jelly Sandwich. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Oolong Tea.

Work at China Wok.

Family Dinner: I bake some Salmon and cook Basmati Rice with Indian Spices, Peppers, and Onions. Ewa, Nina, and Marta prepare the salad.

Chocolate Chip Cookies. A guy that works at The Boot suggests putting rosemary into the batch – turns out to be a good idea.

I spend a few hours practicing at the storage unit.

I feel socially exhausted.

Sleep around 7 a.m.

[i] Image by me.

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