DREAM: ☼ The Lake ☼ A campground—a group trip. Inside a patio room—outside it’s sunny and beautiful but it starts pouring down rain. There’s a group of people waiting for me to join them to the lake. I’m gathering all my things—struggling to roll my pant legs up—it’s taking me an unusually long time. The group has already taken off. Chris Kenney, an old friend of mine from youth group days, is lying on the bed napping. I wake him up to walk with me. All of a sudden the room changes…we’re in a boat now with a few others. Coming around a river bend that flows into the lake. All of us get bumped off the boat and into the water near the shore. I’m angry because I have electronics in my jacket pockets that could get ruined. “Why didn’t they tell us they were going to do that?” I climb up onto a pier, soaking wet. Pulling out my digital camera, cell phone, and keys—checking to make sure they’re okay. The jacket protected one side of the camera. I’m barefoot and walking carefully around the shells and miscellaneous items on the ground. A lot of people are here—families, friends. There’s a sand cliff that slopes down into the lake. Most everybody is lounging on top. I notice two tin cans embedded in the sand hill. I guess their purpose is to make sliding down the hill fun.
☼ Ancient TV ☼ Meeting Danny Rogers in a studio—spacious and hall-like. He’s sitting in a booth while I play a guitar lead from the song “Woodlands” on a plastic guitar of some kind. In the dream, Musicplayer has been recording with him. He shows me a new music installation he’s working on in the corner of the room. I walk up a few steps and find a giant TV with an ancient mixing board lying out in front of it—on the screen is an animated music video he’s still editing. “It’s old and unreliable but I’ll make it work,” he says. There’s a coffee table in the middle of the square room. On each corner are old industrial looking effects pedals, grey and black, hooked up to the TV. “This is cool!” I tell him.
5:30 p.m. I wake up.
Breakfast: Hot Oat Bran with Cinnamon, Brown Sugar, and Blueberries. Orange Juice. Zinc, Vitamin E.
Work at China Wok.
Lunch: Grilled Cheese with Tomato. Salt N Vinegar Chips. Honey Oolong Tea.
Finishing Hard Eight [1996].
Cleaning out old files on my laptop—freeing up space.
2 Persimmons.
Margot and I. Using all my wits and humor to ignore her spiteful negativity. It actually turns out well. Just ignore it. Respond with the opposite of what she expects and wallah! Positive energy. Using this newly acquired mood to our advantage—having sex…sweet.
Now you don’t look so dumb, darling.
Stopping by Kmart because she’s craving Mac N Cheese.
Eating a Hard Boiled Egg with Pita and Hummus.
“Give me something for my eyes while I eat!” So I put on Pretty in Pink [1986].
Doing crunches.
Eating Polenta Provencale with Spinach and Peas. Cinnamon Roll Bread.
Making click tracks on Ableton to use for live performances.
Drinking Chocolate Milk.
Watching Holy Rollers [2010].
Sleep around 8:20 a.m.
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