DREAM: Running through the city—nighttime. Trying to get away from a crowd of zombies of some kind. I make it to the beach. Knowing if I dive into the ocean I’ll be safe and can escape the dream. I’m hiding behind a skyscraper now. I start taking off my clothes—I want to be completely naked for this. I sense the zombies are close. Shit! There they are, just around the corner, looking for me. I don’t have time to finish unclothing myself. With my pants still attached to my legs, I make a run for it and jump into the water. Submerged—my body tosses and turns—bare ass sticking out in some moments. I hear the zombies mumbling about how they spot me in the water. Time to hyper-conscious out of here…
5:30 p.m. I wake up.
Breakfast: Banana. Blueberry Yogurt. Immune Defense Drink.
Work at China Wok.
Number of Non-Tippers for this shift: 1
First Non-Tipper
Race/Description: African American and Caucasian women in early 30’s
General Location: Colonial Arms
Type of Residence: Medium Sized Apartment
Quality of Residence (5-Star Rating): ***
Amount of Order: Over $13
Friendly/Non-Friendly: Friendly
Experience: I even complimented their pretty magenta couches.
Delivering an order off West Lane. The lady had called a few times because it was taking too long. I got flushed with too many orders at once so I felt bad. She answers the door holding a little white Chihuahua in her arms, wearing thick grey sweatpants—comfortable looking, and black-framed glasses. I apologize about the wait. She seems understanding and tells me her and her sister just moved in. “Oh I live right down the street. You’re in a good area. Everything is nearby.”
Delivering an order in Chanticleer to Lucy, an acquaintance I met through Doug. Both of us impressed with the surprising coincidence, “Oh. This is funny.”
Quick stop at Trader Joe’s. My buddy Lauren is working. She gives me a heads up that they’ll be throwing out a whole lot of stuff tonight.
Lunch: Grilled Cheese with Tomato. Salt N Vinegar Chips. Honey Oolong Tea.
Attending Mae’s final show at The NorVa. Quite an event. It’s like a family reunion here, or rather a funeral. Anybody who ever helped or worked with Mae is present. Way too many people to mention.
Eating one of Michellasaurus’s Mae cupcakes and Pita with Hummus.
Trying to plan a final on-stage prank. The idea was to rush the stage and pour a big bucket of ice over Dave after the last song. However, we couldn’t get full clearance because a DVD was being shot. At any rate, it’s a nostalgic experience watching songs get played for the last time. After touring and being a part of the project for the past two years, I almost shed a tear. I’m sure the majority of the thousand or so people there were experiencing the same emotions. Goodbye, Mae. Rest in peace.
After the concert—hanging out at Jon Reynolds place. He made Lasagna and Pumpkin Cheesecake from scratch. Both, utterly delicious.
Jamil is back home from New York! We go dumpster diving at Trader Joe’s. A lot of the good bags are already conveniently sitting out in shopping carts. Thanks Lauren!
The finds: Everything in bulk including Cinnamon Raisin Bread, Bagels, English Muffins, Pita Bread, Tortillas, Muffins, Cookies, Pizza Dough, Cakes and Pastries, Bananas, Cheese, Mushrooms, Broccoli and other Vegetables.
I notice the kitchen knives are missing. Kyle is waking up early for work and I ask him if he knows where they are. “They’re under the sink.” “Oh. Weird.” “Yeah somebody was drunk last night.” He tells me that as if he put them there for the sole purpose of simply taking precautions, in case that drunken person got any crazy ideas. I can only guess who he was talking about.
2 Persimmons and Garlic Bread. Coffee.
Skype chat with Verity.
Sleep 8:30 a.m.
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