DREAM: I walk into Winston’s Café but it looks different—more spacious but with the same narrow hallway (typical of a dream to remodel a waking life environment). A lot of people are around—waiting for the show to start. Richard Misfeldt greets me. We embrace with a strong hug. Feeling jovial, “Oh no. You get a second hug!” I reach in for another one—we almost fall over. Sitting down at the bar next to Margot—Jon Reynolds is one seat over, not talking much. Margot is explaining something to me. In the middle of it I notice her mouth stops moving yet I still hear her say one last thing, almost telepathically. I respond to it as if it were just a part of the conversation. And she continues on. I interrupt, “Wait! I think I just read your mind, like I heard your thoughts.” Nonchalantly she says, “Yeah I think you did. Weird.” Yolinda brings over a plate of food for Margot. On it is a small slab of steak (sort of raw and cartoonish looking) and some form of potatoes. I look down at a computer screen (I guess it’s my laptop). On the Wikipedia page looking for information regarding the telepathic incident that just happened. I click on a new section of Wikipedia entitled “Earner’s Crob”. Under it are six subjects dealing with various elements like food, intangible things, blah blah blah. Tyler Watts is across the way sitting at the bar with us. Discussing with him and other guys what section of Earner’s Crob telepathy would be in. I feel a sensation of disconnect because the conversation we’re having is scientific—everyone else around us thinks we’re geeks.
4:30ish p.m. I wake up.
Breakfast: Oatmeal Breakfast Bar. Orange Juice.
Work at China Wok.
Number of Non-Tippers for this shift: 1
First Non-Tipper
Race/Description: Black Male in 30’s
General Location: Chanticleer
Type of Residence: Medium Sized Apartment
Quality of Residence (5-Star Rating): ***
Amount of Order: Over $22.10
Friendly/Non-Friendly: Neutral
Lunch: Grilled Cheese with Tomato. Salt N Vinegar Chips. Honey Oolong Tea.
Starting Cube 2: Hypercube [2002].
I invite Doug to play basketball. It’s a foggy misty night. Stuck at the half court spot for the last shot in Around the World. Over and over and over again we take turns shooting. Finally we both get at least one shot in.
Walking back to the house, two dudes and a girl are hanging out on the tailgate of a truck. One of them spouts out to us, “You know what the greatest gift God ever made is?”
Doug: “What’s that?”
Dude: “Charleston Chews!”
Doug: “That’s awesome.”
Other Dude: “No, sir. You’re awesome!”
Eating a little Pita and Hummus, and Yogurt with Blueberries.
I go to Margot’s place. Lounging on the couch. Narnia on the TV. Mmm. Nice.
The volume of her body parts is the most pleasing to me. I can’t resist grabbing and squeezing all of them.
Back at home—eating Dinner: Macaroni and Kidney Bean Vegetable Soup with Garlic English Muffin Bread.
Working on a new catchy crunchy song on guitar at the storage unit.
Chocolate Milk and Cinnamon Apples.
Finishing Cube 2.
Sleep 8 a.m.
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