DREAM: I mosey into a basketball gymnasium where two black guys and a black girl seem to be waiting by the stairs for someone to join them in a game. After seeing me one of them says, “Finally!” There’s already a bunch of basketballs on the court. We start shooting them around. Beginning my first shot at the three-point sideline. Swish. My basketball partners seem to be impressed. I move up the three-point line and make another shot. In. I get to the center. Starting to notice more and more people show up—mostly a lot of kids as if this was a basketball camp or youth group lock-in. As I prepare to shoot, an Indian boy stands guard in defense directly on the shot line. He’s in my way and I can’t even shoot. He starts touching me as a distraction. “Dude! You can’t touch me!” I try to explain to him he’s allowed to defend and distract a player but without touching. Eventually I find a chance to shoot but shortly realize I’m throwing a small ball of foil gum wrapper instead of a basketball. Somehow I make it in. Talking to the people around me, “Did you see that? I can even make a gum wrapper in!” Moving on down the line. The Indian kid persists in touching and distracting me. In time, he slowly transforms into a female form, almost looking like Olivia Hobbs. I get the attention of a group nearby, “Will someone please explain to this person you’re not allowed to touch?” I leave the court and explore the side of the walls. The Indian female kid follows despite the huge crowd around us. I grab her two arms and speak, “Look. Can I be honest here? It’s not that I don’t think you’re cute cause you are. But…” I’m not even sure what I’m saying anymore.
5:30 p.m. I wake up.
Breakfast: Toasted English Muffin with Butter and Strawberry Jam. Orange Juice. Zinc, Vitamin E.
As I’m fixing breakfast Art’s in the kitchen making two hot dog sandwiches alongside me. Teasing him on how much sodium is in two hot dogs, 61% daily value, then the bread, 20% daily value. He adds cheese and ketchup. “Art that’s more than your daily value!” “Are you my nutritionist now?”
Target. Trader Joes.
Lunch: Grilled Cheese with Tomato. Salt N Vinegar Chips. Honey Oolong Tea.
Finishing The Stepfather.
Eating Strawberries and Vanilla Yogurt.
Delivering Emily’s mattress set to her new apartment in Norfolk. Outside on the porch with her and Wesley sharing 1623 gossip.
Back home. Brent, a friend of my parents, is over to take a shower and use the dryer. He’s going on and on about all the crazy living situations he’s been in the past few months. I’m helping him sell a truck on Craigslist.
Stretching. Ab crunches. Going for a run around the neighborhood. The air is brisk and making my lungs wheeze.
Dinner: White Kidney Bean and Lentil Soup with Mixed Vegetables and Rice. Sourdough Bread.
Watching a documentary on Craigslist called 24 Hours on Craigslist [2005].
Margot stops by and confesses something questionable she did with a guy at a bar last Saturday when inebriation was in full bloom to the point where she didn’t even remember it but was informed by somebody else. My reaction? A little upset she couldn’t have enough self-control over the amount of alcohol that was taken in, but not mad. Even as small of a thing it is to make out with a stranger when you’re drunk, at least she was honest enough to tell me such a minute detail. I’ve had to learn the hard way myself in regards to confessing details like this.
She’s attempting to kiss me on the lips. She was sick just days ago. I settle for the cheek, “No. Aftershock bacteria.”
Editing guitar tracks on Ableton.
Eating a bowl of Cherrios with Brown Sugar and Banana.
Practicing at the storage unit.
Sleep 8:30 a.m.
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