DREAM: At some kind of event, a concert maybe. I see cafeteria tables everywhere, the ones with the chairs attached you usually find in schools (they fold up easily). Phil asks me to deposit some money into his bank account. “For $60” I say jokingly. “No really, I can do that for free.” I walk over to the stage. They’re shooting the end bit of a TV show performance of a band covering a Sex Pistols song. The singer is belching out lyrics and exaggerating the melodies. I’m on top of a tall stack of amps that almost hits the ceiling. The show is over. Roadies start packing up the sound system and band equipment. Trying to figure out an easy way to get down without falling. Another stack of amps nearby topple over and then another stack follows. Someone yells out, “That’s Rock and Roll!” I’m hanging onto a device that slowly starts to spin. Trying to balance myself. I use the wall to lean my back onto and slide down to the bottom.
6 p.m. I wake up. I receive a text from Phil asking me to deposit some money I’ve been holding for him.
Breakfast: Toasted English Muffin with Butter and Blackberry Jam. Orange Juice. Zinc, Alfalfa Grain.
Reading. Stretching, ab crunches.
Lunch: Grilled Cheese with Tomato. Salt N Vinegar Chips. Honey Oolong Tea.
Watching Encounters at the End of the World.
Eating Strawberries and Vanilla Yogurt.
Going through clothes and rearranging/cleaning my room.
Snacking on Popcorn. Eating a Chocolate Chip Cookie.
Turbo rounds of poker with Art. I win both.
It’s nice out tonight. Shooting hoops and thinking about life.
Dinner: White Kidney Beans and Rice with Mixed Vegetables and Sourdough Bread.
Finishing Herzog’s documentary.
Here’s a clip from it. Deranged penguin? Or a penguin that’s just had it with the routine. I choose his path: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TJ-tyS57Kw
“Through our eyes the universe is perceiving itself, and through our ears the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witness to which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.”
I take out the acrylics and paint my new guitar case.
Chocolate Milk.
Sleep 8:15 a.m.
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