DREAM: Standing inside an open living room that’s missing a wall and revealing the outside. Observing wasps and hornets building their paper pulp nests in a corner. Joni (my old landlord who passed away recently) appears at the other end of the room. I inform her about the unwelcome flying bugs. She’s shocked and scared. I keep watching the pests. One of the big black and yellow hornets, about the size of a baseball, is mating with the queen wasp. Thinking we should stop this but not sure how without putting myself in danger. I get closer. All of a sudden one of the wasps flies down and buzzes around the room. I run to the outside through the missing wall. A few people are gathered along with Rocky. The wasp follows to where we are. It’s a scorpion now, fat and plump and frantically running around on the floor. I stomp my foot on top of it’s body with caution but the weight of it resists and I can’t finish the job. I ask for Rocky’s help. I look over and it’s bigger now, about the size of a person. It seems to be acting a little dazed, lying on it’s back and wiggling its legs. There’s a purple tint to it’s face—hollow magenta eyes—a small purple elephant-like trunk. Rocky offers me her finger. It almost looks like my finger with the same fingernail length (the length of my finger nail is the same in waking life). Her suggestion is for me to cut the creature as if her fingernail was sharp enough. I attempt a slice down the abdomen but not enough damage. She holds it down while I go back to the living room to get a pocket knife I remember keeping in one the end tables by the couch. I find it and bring it back to the scene…
5:07 p.m. Debating whether or not I should get out of bed. Dozing off.
6:18 p.m. I actually do it.
Breakfast: Toasted English Muffin with Butter and Blackberry Jam. Orange Juice. Zinc, Vitamin E.
Remembering a small confrontation with a silverfish bug crawling on my hand last night before I went to sleep—related to the dream.
Thrift Store. Big Lots. Trader Joes.
Lunch: Grilled Cheese with Tomato. Salt N Vinegar Chips. Honey Green Tea.
Finishing 3000 Miles to Graceland [2001].
Business. Scheduling.
Eating a Hard Boiled Egg and a Banana.
James G. brings the chain saw prop he made for his Ash character from Halloween.
Poker with James, Art, and Roma.
Giving Art a hard time because he’s eating two cups of yogurt—all that sugar content. He also confesses to having an addiction to chocolate—he brings out his bag of Dark Chocolate Hershey’s Kisses to share.
James and I are left to a one on one match that lasts quite a while. In the end I win the $8 pot with a straight.
Stretching. Ab crunches. Running around the neighborhood.
Dinner: Lentils with Rice and Mixed Vegetables. Garlic Bread.
Watching This Film is Not Yet Rated [2006].
Eating Strawberries and Vanilla Yogurt.
At the storage unit—playing through songs on guitar—setting tempos—exploring ideas.
A ½ tablespoon of Dream Juice with mild mint tea.
Sleep 8:30 a.m.
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