DREAM: I’m in Japan eating at a restaurant I’ve eaten at every time I’ve been here. The dining area is vast and like a cafeteria—all the tiny Japanese schoolgirls and schoolboys corralling in auditorium-like seating. I figured I would stand out because I’m American and maybe some would recognize me from playing with Mae. I can feel the eyes staring. I make my way to the front where a small buffet is set up. An employee approaches me and differentiates between the free food and the food that will cost extra. This is more like a hotel complimentary breakfast. In the corner is a water fountain where you can dip a glass for a drink. “This is pristine water!” he explains. I reply with an “Ohhh,” as if I might be interested in forking out the extra money to drink it, but I don’t. I start exploring the shelves of food. Cut and prepared Starfruit. I take a bite. Eating more fruit. Hoping none of it cost extra.
Just before 5:30 p.m. I wake up.
Breakfast: Toasted English Muffin with Butter and Blackberry Jam. Orange Juice. Zinc, Alfalfa Grain.
Big Lots, Thrift Store.
Lunch: Grilled Cheese with Tomato. Salt N Vinegar Chips. Honey Oolong Tea.
MUSICPLAYER practice at the storage unit with Chris and Kal. Rehearsing some of the new songs we’re gonna play this friday.
Outside they’re talking about baseball—discussing the progression of MUSICPLAYER’s music.
Stretching. Doing ab crunches.
Eating Strawberries with Vanilla Yogurt.
Going for a run around the neighborhood.
Dinner: Spaghetti with Peppers and Onions. Garlic Sourdough Bread.
Watching Toy Story 3 with Margot.
Researching vocal recording techniques.
Eating a Chocolate Chip Cookie.
Setting up to record vocals—testing tones and mike set-up—practicing songs.
Eating a bowl of Cherrios with Brown Sugar and Banana.
Watching The Stepfather [2009].
Sleep 8:15 a.m.
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