Wednesday December 1 2010

6 p.m. I wake up.

Breakfast: Hot Oat Bran with Cinnamon, Brown Sugar, and Blueberries. Orange Juice. Zinc, Vitamin E.

Eating a Pear.

Musicplayer practice at the storage unit with Chris and Kal. Working on a new song. Fun. Fun. Fun.

Chris is making fun of me and my blog, “I can see it now, ‘Musicplayer practice with Chris and Kal, then sex with Margot.”

Kal: “Why don’t you guys just fight and have sex at the same time?”

Lunch: Grilled Cheese with Tomato. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Honey Green Tea.

Doug is helping me with website issues while I stretch and do crunches.

Margot comes over just in time for Roma to discover a scurrying rat in the bathroom cupboard. Both his legs got stuck on the sticky pads that were placed there last winter. His little black eyes have a red lining around them—he looks so scared and helpless. Not sure what to do. Eventually I release him outside on the street.

Watching The Brothers Bloom [2008] with her—a relaxing and low-key time together. I joke about how Chris said he would predict us having sex tonight. “It would be ironic if we didn’t.” But whatever. We do it anyway.

Eating a Banana.

Making Chocolate Syrup from scratch.

Dinner: Polenta Provencale with Two Hard Boiled Eggs. Garlic Bread. Chocolate Milk.

Finishing The Big Lebowski.

Craigslist business.

Sleep 9:15 a.m.

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