Sunday June 5 2011

DREAM: Standing on the sidewalk in front of an antique Chevrolet convertible from the 50’s in a sleek teal blue with a shiny chrome finish. It almost looks ready for some kind of car show. I watch Becca and three other girls whom I know gather into the vehicle.

I question what’s going on, “What are you guys doing?”

Becca: “We’re going to see Goofy!”

I turn to the right and see someone in a Goofy costume waving and mingling with kids in front of a park entrance. This doesn’t make sense.

Me: “Why are you driving? He’s right there!”

They are either just plain illogical or want to show up in style.

Waking up around 11:30 a.m.

Breakfast: Blueberry Yogurt. Peaches. Orange Juice. Zinc.

Full day shift at China Wok.

The first three hours are dreadfully slow—reading the fourth DOOM novel—putting out menus.

Lunch: Egg Burrito from Sonic. Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips with Avocado. Vitamin Water.

Delivering an order on Autumn Wood right behind Stoney’s Produce. I find a handwritten note taped to a door…[see above photo]

The orders keep piling up along with the miles on my car. I really hope the good reputation of Toyota Camrys is true. Supposedly they can last up to 500,000 miles if taken care of. I’m already at 189,000.

Finally off work after a 10 and half hour shift.

Eating a bowl of Frosted Shredded Wheat.

Erin and Kelley pop their heads into my room randomly.

Erin: “He’s having ‘me’ time!”

Kelley: “Well tell Margot Valenzuela I love her. Okay bye!”

Josh: “Hey Robert wish me happy birthday!”

It’s his 21st birthday and there are more people here than we’ve had in a while. Ever since Anthony and Kevin went on their Keroaucian journey to California the house has been fairly quiet and tame.

Stretching in the living room next to Kelley. Forgetting about my blue pants and red shirt attire as James mentions how much I look like Spider-Man.

The queen shows up. She’s really excited about a seven-toed orange tabby that showed up outside her mom’s house, “I love those little toes! I wanna kiss them and count them and play piggy with them.” She’s going to adopt him.

Eating Artichoke Hearts and a Carrot with Hot Brown Rice Green Tea.

Laying next to Margot watching Despicable Me [2010] on her new laptop.

Sleep sometime before 4 a.m.

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