DREAM: Hanging outside an apartment complex with some friends at night. A dude is roaming nearby swinging a shotgun around shooting off rounds at random. We feel a sense of danger but not enough to stop Phil Gray and I from confronting him. Up close his shotgun resembles an abnormally large beer bottle—spewing out a powerful fizz high into the starry sky making a circular pattern. I grab hold of the bottle and attempt my own circles…
Waking up around 11:15 a.m.
Breakfast: Orange Juice. Peach.
Doing a warm yoga session at Zen Hot Yoga studios. Towards the end—during the final pose—lying down on our backs. Our teacher guides us into a state of meditative relaxation—“…If a thought comes to your mind, just keep the door open and let them through…”
Afterwards, Gillian and I grab a bite to eat at the Farmer’s Market Grille.
Lunch: Tuna Salad Sandwich with Lettuce and Tomato. French Fries with Honey Mustard.
Expressing the relationship troubles that I’ve been having as of late.
Back home—getting my stuff together—enjoying a glass of cold honey green tea—attempting to nap for a little bit but I just don’t have enough time.
At Earth Sound Studios in Chesapeake—tracking drums.
Me: “It’s still disgusting outside, Mark.”
While listening back through all the takes for the song, “Sexy Pain”, it’s inevitable to identify Drum Onomatopoeia—it sounds like this: Thim Thum Thum Thum Vvvhummm
Coffee and a Pomegranate Strawberry Granola Bar.
Three recorded takes of everything is sufficient (The Holy Trinity of Takes), but a fourth one is even better (add the devil into the equation).
Tracking our second song, “Bury”. There’s one phrase on the bridge that we’re having a hard time getting a promising take of.
After the 10th or 11th try, Mark comments, “If that was an Amtrak train everybody would be dead.”
Break time—a round of ping-pong and dinner: leftover Mongolian Style Beef Pasta with Mixed Vegetables.
Working on the third song, “Dark X” “Sassy Bat”, whatever it’s called. It’s been a long day for Chris but he’s a drum warrior—slapping it down with ease.
On the drive back home—talking with Margot on the phone—it’s an upsetting conversation because I suggest we take some space for a week, but really just until Tuesday. I mean, I’m working all weekend—I’m going to be busy anyway. She’s offended that I would want to not see her for this long. It just feels like what we need to do, at least. We take a step back in hopes that the distance will help us gain new perspective. And then, we can decide to take a step forward again or continue taking steps back. She doesn’t know how to see the bigger picture. All she can feel is the pangs of the one she loves and wants to be with asking her for a break. She feels awful and I hate this.
“But we have to do this! We just have to! Please let this work.”
She says she’s just going to be miserable and hate me even more. Gosh, this sucks. I love you so much. You’re the most important person in my life, next to my mother. We shall consider this a test…
Eating a bowl of Frosted Shredded Wheat Cereal.
I’m ready for bed a little early tonight.
Sleep 3 a.m.
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