Going to work at 11:30 a.m.
Hot Cinnamon Oat Bran with Brown Sugar, Flax Seed,
Blueberries, and Milk. OJ.
All day shift at China Wok.
It’s a steady daytime shift for Chinese food.
Trail Mix.
There’s a minivan in flames on Laskin Road directly in front
of Rite Aid. I spot this random disaster before the fire trucks arrive. No
passengers seem to be inside. Apparently it was the owner’s disregard for
getting oil changes to cause the engine to just explode.

Peanut Butter Bagel. Quaker Cheddar Cheese Rice Snacks.
Honey Oolong Tea.
Anthony texts me a quote: “Survey the circling stars, as
though yourself were in midcourse with them. Often picture the changing and
rechanging dance of the elements. Visions of this kind purge away the dross of our
earth-bound life.” – Marcus Aurelius
Delivery orders continue.
I’m thanked gratefully by an old lady for buying her Misty
cigarettes once again.
I am called a hypothetical husband by another.
Bosc Pear.
Off work at 10:41 p.m.
Hot and Sour Soup with Rice. Spring Rolls. Shrimp Egg Roll.
Watching Blackthorn (2011).
Fortune cookie: “Perhaps you’ve been focusing too much on
Trying out Chocolate Chip Cookies using whole-wheat flour.
Having a few with some Milk.
Sleep at some late hour...
[i] Van in
Hilltop caught on fire. Images by me.
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