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Traveling with a group of people. It’s understood we’re
super heroes of some kind, or maybe just ordinary humans with unique abilities.
Another team has challenged us in a battle. It’s not an ordinary battle where
there’s hand-to-hand combat but rather a game of wits. It’s almost abstract. At
one point I gain a lot of confidence in my mind and gather my team and we
pursue a victory. We scramble into our SUV vehicle and leave the scene.
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Waking up sometime around 1 p.m.
Cinnamon Oatmeal with Brown Sugar, Raisins, and Milk. Orange
Heading over to the guy on Sykes avenue who put my car back
together after the accident. He’s replacing the hood latch. It’s taking a
little while. In the meantime I sit in my car in the hot sun waiting...and
having an unsettling text conversation with Kristin.
Double Egg Sandwich with Mayonnaise and Tomato. Salt n
Vinegar Chips. Lemonade.
I grab Anthony and he joins me for an odd job that Whiskey
Rob asked me to do: clean house. We drive over to his house near Shore drive.
Comments in reference to the hottest day.
Anthony: “Today’s a good day to be sticky!”
Anthony: “Phew. It’s hot, yo. I can’t imagine outdoor sex
right now.”
Then, he corrects himself, “Well I can cause I said it
Me: “That’s true.”
We arrive. Of course I knew what to expect cause I’ve seen
the inside of his place before. He has a roach problem. I start with the
kitchen while Anthony helps organize the living room. I feel like I’m on the
movie set for Joe’s Apartment (1996). These roaches are everywhere.
My head is littered with thoughts of little roach creatures
scurrying...I’m beat. I need to decompress. We settle up the pay and leave but
not after a few nostalgic life stories given by Rob.
In reaction to the long-winded conversations that Rob gave I
comment, “I can’t take too much of that for too long.”
Anthony: “You have a fragile psyche.”
Me: “That’s true.”
Black Bean Spinach and Corn Salad. Apple Fritter Bread.
Watching Rampart (2011).
At the storage unit practicing a set for a show I’m doing
Feeling strangely alone. Darren and Devon took off for a
camping trip in Blacksburg. Anthony spontaneously decides to go somewhere for
the weekend. Kevin’s not home. I feel myself drawn to the old...the
comfortable...feeling nostalgic. I’m missing. The house doesn’t seem active.
And no doubt I’m grateful. Peace and quiet is gold to me. But it’s not normal.
As well I’m romantically alone...by choice of course. And here I am...all
Sleep at 4 a.m.
[i] Roach
Origami. Robert J. Lang.
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