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I’m co-starring in a low budget indie film with Michelle
Williams as the main star. We’re doing a rough rehearsal of all the scenes
without the camera rolling. I’m standing in the kitchen of 1435 in character.
Michelle is sitting in the dining room acting despondent. She has a daughter
that is currently being cared for by a babysitter. The conversation is light
until the topic of her kid comes up.
Me: “Look, just because you don’t give a shit about yourself
doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give a shit about your kid!”
I’m supposed to be her best friend. The scene is over.
Discussing it with her. I ask her for tips on how to act like I’m listening in
conversation. She misinterprets my questions as making a pass on her and
responds with something along the lines of, “I’m already married.”
This movie is meant to be improvised. But I ask out loud to
the crew, “Is there a script?” Everybody laughs.
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Waking up around 1 p.m.
Double Egg Sandwich with Mayonnaise and Tomato. Salt n
Vinegar Chips. Honey Green Tea.
Watching God Bless America (2011).
Catching up on writing and business affairs.
Cooking up a soup from scratch: White Bean Soup with Mixed
At the card table with Darren and Anthony discussing job
affairs, mainly ones related to China Wok.
Anthony challenges me in a game of NBA Jam on Sega
Genesis. Darren and Devon lie on the couch and become spectators. It turns into
a team game of Streets of Rage 2.
Me: “This is nostalgic for me. This game was a major
influence on my life as a teenager.”
Anthony dies in the middle and I’m left to go solo. I pummel
through the punks and villains. Stage 8. The last level. My hands are shaking.
I’m nervous...like old times. I have only a minimal amount of life left. It
keeps dwindling the more I play. I’ve reached the final boss’s lair. Mr. X. I
give it my all but unfortunately I die. Game Over. If my life bar was just a
tad bit fuller I could’ve won.
Me: “Dude I was so close! He only had a little bit of life
Darren: “That’s deep.”
Anthony hooks up the Toy Story game. We all watch and
heckle his game tactics.
“Use the string!”
“Watch the sharks. C’mon, man!”
Anthony: “Alright! Everyone’s a critic and I’m the gladiator
of the arena, okay.”
A folder of Kevin’s old poetry is found. Darren confidently
reads excerpts out loud for our entertainment. Some of it is ridiculously
written and becomes a laughing stock but also incites some pondering into who
Kevin really is on the inside. Calum, using the words as inspiration, creates a
piece on Sega Art on the TV screen.
Pluot. Peach. Chocolate.
Settling down.
Sleep 4:30 a.m.
[i] Sega Art by
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