Waking up at 11 a.m.
Strawberry Toaster Pastries. Orange Juice.
All day shift at China Wok.
Beautiful weather.
Lentil Spread with Sprouts. Five Guys French Fries with
Ketchup. Honey Oolong Tea.
Just another day on the job slaying dragons, yelling angrily
in the car after getting stiffed, and being repulsed by my fellow idiotic
Stephanie shows up and rides around with me on deliveries.
Me: “Gosh I feel like I haven’t seen you for years.”
She’s been in California off and on. Now she’s back and
ready to get The Vaginasaurs, our little music project, back in action. We
catch up and recap on the missed events in our lives.
The China moon continues to loom over my wagon – deliveries
persistently racking up.
Hot and Sour Soup with Broccoli and Rice.
Finally off work and back home. I’m terribly exhausted. I
need a complete decompression.
Watching a Vice documentary about Kony, M23, and the Real
Rebels of Congo. Eating a slice of Peanut Butter Crème de la Cream Pie.
Unannounced Rachel drops by with the sole purpose of showing
Darren and I her American flag chest paint.
To sleep early at 2 a.m.
[i] Image by me.
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