Tuesday January 8 2013


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Rubbing this cool oily substance all over the back and arms of a public speaker of some kind, maybe she’s an evangelist, while she’s preaching to a small crowd. My mom is here encouraging me to wear this strange oil but I insist I’m doing my job already by doing what I’m doing. At some point the evangelist and I embrace on stage in front of all the people. We’re smiling and connecting.

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Waking up at 12:21 p.m. I love palindromes.

Maple and Brown Sugar Instant Oatmeal with Blueberries. Coffee with a little Sugar and Milk.


Grilled Cheese on a Bagel with Tomato and Edamame Hummus. Goldfish Crackers. Honey Oolong Tea.

Watching Taken 2 (2012).

Scanning old photos.

Working out at the gym.

Strawberry Kombucha Tea.

Watching a Vice documentary on K-Pop.

Potatoes, Carrots, Broccoli, Turkey, and Macaroni for dinner.

As I continue to scan photos into my computer I’m inspired to go on an adventure and sift through the closet that’s stacked to the brim with boxes – picking, digging, reminiscing, and traveling back in time to my younger years – old love letters, prayers, baby photos, basketball cards, comic books, Hot Wheels, and Valentines. I’m lost in this sea of nostalgia. Oh boy. The 90’s. It was my golden decade. Along with, I found a 90’s Gospel Hip Hop Youtube channel as my soundtrack to this trip down memory lane.

Becca calls me out of the blue. Chatting with her on the phone while I continue rummaging through my closet of memories.

Me: “It’s like a key to time travel. With all this stuff I can go back in time whenever I want.”

Popcorn and Strawberries.

Wow. It’s after 4 a.m. and I’m just now getting to sleep.

[i] Me and Moses (1998).

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