I awaken to Josh singing his little heart out on guitar in the next room over.
Strawberry Toaster Pastries. Orange Juice.
Egg Sandwich with Tomato and Mayonnaise. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Strawberry Greek Yogurt. Honey Black Tea.
Breaking Bad.
At the storage unit having a quick brush-up practice with Josiah and Calum, then off to Norfolk.
At The Jewish Mother Backstage on Granby Street. Our band, Ladada, is opening up the show. We perform our short set of happy pop-rock songs. Surprisingly I have no issues with my thumb, as I'm able to hold the pic and strum the bass like normal; maybe all I needed was a mild surge of adrenaline. We seem to get a positive response from the crowd.
Eating dinner with Ana up on the second floor (the green room). A thick Spinach Salad with Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Egg, and Hush Puppies. Lionshead Beer.
Step Pets goes on next. It's Mike Gombas and Chris Kendrick's new band; I perform solo with these guys frequently in VB. It's only their third show. And they do prove themselves valiantly with their well-rounded melodic rock and a near replica cover of the Radiohead song "There There".
A band called Buried Beds from Philly and with former members of Me Without You goes on next. Their well-crafted chamber-pop harmonies are inspirational. All of us are blown away by the sound. Looking up at the regal neo-classical design of the white ceiling blends right in with this beautiful mood.
Afterwards, Bianca, Josiah, Calum, Ana, and I walk a few blocks down the street to a studio in the art district where some friends of friends are hanging out. Inside, Ana and I hop into two comfortable Brazilian hammock chairs. We get the tour of the vast space of a place this is. Out back in the alley we share nonsensical conversation. It's the first genuinely cold night of the season it seems like. The North Star and the half-moon stare down at us from the sky.
Settling down at home with hot Tea.
Sleep 4 a.m.
[i] All images by me.
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