Waking up reluctantly at 11 a.m.
Honey Bunches of Oats with Brown Sugar and Milk. Apple.
All day shift at China Wok.
I didn't realize it but I guess the cleaning chemicals I was using to clean the sinks at the restaurant caused a swelling and soreness in my throat. It might be my lymph nodes. I sip on hot Tea with Honey to help soothe.
Ana finally woke up and left the house. She accompanies me on a few runs. Her hair's still fixed up in braided pigtails and she's wearing a sleeveless sweater in what she says is her favorite color, some kind of Shamrock green I guess. Normally she's adorned in black.
It's not very difficult to make her laugh. In fact, it's super easy. I comment in the car, "It makes me happy when you're laughing. It makes me happy to know you're entertained."
Ana: "There's so many things to laugh at all the time."
Edamame Crackers. Egg Drop Soup. Trail Mix. Banana.
Business picks up in a crescendo. I drive miles like they're going out of style.
Ana texts me...
"If there was any day that I could say where I could definitely be myself in front of you, then yesterday would be that day. I'm really happy to have shared the experience with you and krewwww. :D And I really appreciate that mental preparation talk before riding the Griffon! I cannot express how much of a life changing experience friday was for me...conquering my fear of heights and new thrills. I felt that I really learned a lot about myself as I was going through all those emotions on the roller coasters."
Delivering my last order of the night.
A guy answers the door, "You ain't Chinese!"
Me: "I know. It's deceiving."
I notice him and his girlfriend have some kind of anime show on.
"Well, we eatin' Chinese food and watchin' anime!" he says, insinuating that Chinese food and anime are connected in some way.
I correct him, "Well actually anime is Japanese."
Guy: "Oh is it?"
Not that I expected him to know that. How can I expect people who make comments like that to know the difference between Chinese and Japanese culture?
Back home.
Shrimp with Broccoli, Carrots, Onions, and Rice in Garlic Sauce.
Breaking Bad.
Sipping on a hot mixture of Water, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Honey.
Sleep 3:30 a.m.
[i] Walkable Roller Coaster. Heike Mutter and Ulrich Genth.
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