Monday February 10 2014

Videodrome UK Poster (detailed). Designed by Harry Wilson.[i]

Waking up at 12:36 p.m.

Strawberry Honey Bunches of Oats with extra Granola and Almond Milk.


Naan Bread with Hummus. Blue Tortilla Chips with Salsa. Dark Chocolate Powerberries.

At the neighborhood gym spending a good hour and a half running and working out.


Back home. Preparing dinner (Black Beans with Kale, Carrots, and Rice) and baking Chocolate Glazed Banana Bread with Chocolate Chips. It's Movie Monday and we're showing David Cronenberg's Videodrome (1983). Will, Ana, Leisa, a dude named Andre, and Nick and Vicky from Zeke's coffee shop. Before it begins I share the banana bread with everyone, which appears to be a hit.


Half the house is getting ready to start on a road trip tonight towards Pittsburgh to see Anthony and have a LIVE time for the next three days. James and Josh sit down to watch the movie for a few minutes. Coincidentally the "videodrome" in the movie is based in Pittsburgh. In one of the scenes a characters says, "See ya in Pittsburgh!" and then KABOOM! He explodes into thin air. Everybody laughs at how hilariously relevant it is.

Videodrome (Feb 10 2014)[ii]

The television screen is the retina of the mind’s eye. Therefore the television screen is part of the physical structure of the brain. Therefore whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it. Therefore television is reality. And reality is less than television.

Sipping on Coffee and snacking on Popcorn.

"Death to Videodrome! Long live the new flesh!"

Lounging in the bed with Ana – brainstorming short films I could do. For some reason after watching that movie it ignites a fire of ideas.


I ask her, "So what did you think of the movie?"

"It was funny," she replies.

"Funny? That's the first word you use to describe it. But I guess it's true."

Films in that time period are always funny.

Sleep 4 a.m.

[i] Videodrome UK Poster (detailed). Designed by Harry Wilson. 
[ii] Image by me.

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