Saturday August 16 2014

Black Ladybug (August 16 2014) (2)[i]

Waking up at 10:50 a.m.

Honey Crunch n Oats with Almond Milk.

All day shift at China Wok.


It's a slow afternoon for deliveries. Filling up the dumpling sauce into the 4 oz. and 2 oz. cups.

Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jam Sandwich. Olive Oil Potato Chips. Honey Green Tea.

Ana shows up with fresh picked figs from her aunt's yard and a little baggie of home-baked chocolate chip cookies. As we sit down at the marbled table inside chatting I notice a group of sweat bubbles have formed on her nose. It's hot today and for some reason that's the first part of her body to start perspiring. She doesn't like it but I think it's cute.

Later on in the evening I snack on those Chocolate Chip Cookies. It's an otherwise dull night at China Wok. Just going through the motions, anticipating the final moment when I get to lounge in my computer chair at home.

A black ladybug attaches itself onto my China Wok t-shirt. I still don't understand what makes ladybugs friendlier than her other bug peers.

Black Ladybug (August 16 2014) (1)

Off work.

Mongolian Chicken with Mixed Vegetables.

Watching The Birdcage (1996).

Sipping on a Beer.

Sleep at 3:30 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

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