Monday December 29 2014


Waking up at 11:18 a.m.

Irish Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Maca Powder, Maple Syrup, Strawberries, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. Coffee with Honey.

Getting my 7th adjustment at the chiropractor.

Posture (Front View) (Dec 2014)

Posture (Side View) (Dec 2014)

Groceries from Trader Joe's.

Working out at The Escape.

Oat and Almond Biscuits with Peanut Butter and Strawberry Spread. Scrambled Eggs. Tortilla Chips with Salsa.

Teaching a couple lessons at Music Makers.

Fiddling on the guitar.

Shooting some basketball at the Seatack Rec.

Black Beans with Snow Peas, Mushrooms, Onions, and Brown Jasmine Rice.

Watching Gone Girl (2014).

Coming up with chord progressions for melodies Stephanie sent me.

Navel Orange.

Practicing piano.

Sleep 4 a.m.

[i] From Gone Girl.

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