Waking up just before 10 a.m. Next to Ana in my bed – she's naked and smooth – touching me lightly but with eagerness and desire. Sex is the next move of course.
My mom arrives. Making breakfast for all three of us: Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Maca Powder, Maple Syrup, Chia Seeds, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. Coffee with Cream and Honey. While enjoying our bowls my mom recounts particular memories she has of growing up in the old house. She found an old composition notebook from the 1930's filled with song lyrics her grandmother wrote down.
Mom's got uncle Kenny's Ford pickup truck. She drives me to the shop to drop off my car for an inspection and oil change.
I've got a private piano lesson at the house. While I teach Ana and mom bake delicious chocolate chip oatmeal cookies (later on, these turn out to be an absolute hit).
Sharing lunch: Oat and Almond Biscuits with Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jam. Fried Eggs. Green Tea.
Upstairs in Ana's room mom and I rehearse our song that we'll be doing at the show on Monday. Her voice is warming up the more and more we sing together. It's a wonderfully connective feeling to be making music with my mom. I cherish this moment.
Retrieving my car from the shop. Hitting up the Asian market off Great Neck Road for box tea, a new cutting knife, and other various things. As usual for any Chinese-run establishment there's no use of climate control making it super chilly inside the store. It pleases me to see Ana and my mom getting along and laughing. I knew they would connect well with each other.
Then, to Whole Foods for necessities.
The three of us drive out to Norfolk to meet with Ana's mom, Jessica, and her husband at Field Guide. Glorious eats to be had. I request a round of Curry Chic Pea, Vegetables, and Rice bowls. It's really nice to have my mom here to enjoy the delicacies that Ana and I regularly enjoy. Ana and her mom start acting goofy when I ask to pose for a picture.
In reference to Ana I say, "She's picky when she's making her own food. But if you give something to her she'll eat anything."
I had to park like a thousand blocks away because it's Friday night in downtown Norfolk. So I walk alone to get the car and pick them up.
Back home. We set up mom in Ana's bedroom to sleep and Ana joins me in my room.
Ana: "It's funny how you get frustrated at us and we're just like ha-ah-ha-ah."
Me: "Yeah I know. You two just act like silly little girls."
Ana: "I love your mom. She's so innocent."
And that's the truth. My mother is kind and sweet and innocent.
Relaxing with a cup of hot Tea and one more of those cookies Ana made.
Sleep 2 a.m.
[i] Images by me.
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