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At the Rec Center messing around on the courts. I catch wind of a game that's in the works on the other court. They need just one more player for a scrimmage against the 1992 USA Dream Team. Yes. That's right! The Dream Team from 1992 starring Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Charles Barkley, Magic Johnson, etc. I'm in shock. What in the world are they doing here in Virginia Beach reuniting to play a scrimmage? It doesn't make any sense. Nonetheless, here I am about compete with NBA's top all-star players from the 90's. Before the game begins there's pre-game celebration and performance by a dance troupe. I walk outside of the gym to find a long line of people waiting to get inside. Larry Bird is standing near the front laughing with a buddy of his. He's much taller that I imagined, in an abnormal way, almost four feet taller. I approach him and request a picture with him on my phone.
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Waking up shortly after noon.
Raw Cacao Protein Shake with Banana, Strawberries, and Almond Milk.
Seeing the chiropractor. Getting some tools and a floodlight from Lowe's. Getting groceries at Whole Foods.
Almonds. Toast with Non-Dairy Cream Cheese and Strawberry Jam. Honey Green Tea.
Teaching lessons at Music Makers.
With Ana at the Great Neck Rec for adult basketball. She makes use of the fitness room while I run hard on the basketball courts. There're just enough players to keep the games going back to back without any breaks. It's strenuous but satisfying. I start to lose my focus after the 5th match.
Back home. Preparing dinner for Ana and I: Chicken Thai Peanut Noodle Salad with Cucumbers, Red and Yellow Peppers, Tomatoes, and Carrots. Washing it down with Original Sin Hard Ciders.
"You are a great chef," Ana exclaims after the first couple bites.
Me: "This is delicious and refreshing. And it didn't even take that long to make."
Cuddling in her bed while talking about our high school identity crises.
General organizing and cleaning.
Sleep 3:30 a.m.
[i] Dream Team 1992.
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