Waking up later than I wanted at 12:47 p.m.
Irish Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Black, Maple Syrup, Chia Seeds, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. Coffee with Cream and Honey.
Errands: taking my PA amp to Alpha seeking repairs. Tire shopping.
Hard Boiled Egg. One piece of Toast with Non-Dairy Cream Cheese. Blue Corn Tortilla Chips with Avocado and Tomato.
Teaching a couple voice lessons at Music Makers. It's important to keep lessons interactive. Maria, one of my 9-year-old students, can be quite scatter-brained. But whenever we start writing lyrics and singing silly songs we come up with on the spot she's focused and excited.
At the Great Neck Rec shooting the basketball around getting my exercise on.
Valencia Oranges and Banana with Greek Yogurt.
Picking up Ana from the house, grabbing the music gear, and headed to Norfolk for a Musicplayer gig at Video Game Heaven in Ghent. It's an acoustic show with a few out-of-town acts including a decent Violent Femmes sounding duo, Sarah Camden, Daniel Hart, and Level Headed. It's a younger emo punk scene here. Talking with Ana how funny it is that I (and her) can step into all these different worlds. Just next door is Café Stella, a completely different scene of coffee shop laptop goers and refined tastes. I order a Buckwheat Mushroom and Swiss Cheese Crepe from there. Ana's got her two brothers hanging out with us; she's happy to get them out of their houses. I put on the last performance of the night. My set gets cut short a little bit because they have to close up shop by midnight but that's okay. It was a fun show. And I like to continue to perform because it keeps my skills fresh.
Reflecting on the night with Ana in my room while we wait on the Level Headed guys to come home and sleep on our couches. She says that every time she sees me play I seem to get better and better, and how she's proud of me. There's a glow about her as she explains how much she loves me and that it's on nights like this when she's really happy and realizes how much she loves me.
The band shows up to the house. I open up the couch that folds out into a bed and get them situated. They're grateful for the place to stay.
Ginger Pear Tea. Dark Chocolate.
Sleep 4 a.m.
[i] Images by me.
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