Waking up sometime around 10 a.m. to Ana's hypnotic touch over my back – this leads to sexual behavior.
Irish Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Maple Syrup, Chia Seeds, Strawberries, and Almond Milk. Coffee with Cream and Honey.
Errands. Business.
Blueberries. Grilled PB&J with Bee Pollen. Veggie Chips. Honey Green Tea.
Watching a documentary on Kevin Durant.
Teaching lessons at Music Makers.
At the Rec for adult basketball. I'm having a really good time tonight on the courts. Not shooting too many buckets, in fact I'm missing most of them, but my defense is really on point. I'm locking it down with every opponent I defend. The other players pay notice and compliment me. My reputation as a strong defensive player has only gotten better.
Back home. Sharing dinner with Ana and Stacy: Slow Cooked Beans (Jacob's Cattle Trout) with Kale, Basmati Rice, and sliced Tomatoes.
I've got Ladada band practice at the Tidewater storage unit. It's super far away for me and plus the city's repaving all of I-264 and I-64 dwindling the open lanes down to one open lane. Calum won't be able to play with us on drums for the next couple months so Bobby, from Boneske and 1888 is filling in. Josiah already taught him on a few sessions before tonight. So I hop right on in and we rock out, polishing up a few parts. I don't get back home till 2:30 a.m. Ugh.
Cutting up some fresh Watermelon from Pungo for tomorrow – I can't resist eating some now.
Sleep 4 a.m.
[i] Image source unknown.
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