Sunday July 26 2015

Itchy Witchy Fishy (July 26 2015)[i]

Waking up at 11 a.m.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Chia Seeds, Maple Syrup, Strawberries, and Kefir. Oolong Tea.

All day shift at China Wok.

A Tupperware of cold crisp Watermelon.

It's a typical Sunday.

Scrambled Eggs. Toast with Non-Dairy Cream Cheese. Corn Tortilla Chips with Avocado and Tomato. Honey Green Tea.

Listening to an Art of Manliness podcast on self-discipline and procrastination. Sometimes the guy who hosts the show can be a little dry but overall most of the topics on this show are focused on bettering oneself. Feeling revived in my thinking about the future and setting goals.

"Success is never owned; it's only rented and the rent is due every day."

Enjoying a moist Muffin Ana made last night from scratch.

After coming back from a delivery I discover Jessa Potter and Jordan Asfari sitting at a table casually eating an egg roll. Jess just got out of jail after being in there for about two years. The other guy, Jordan, used to always hang around with her at the house. I never talked with him too much but every now and then he messages me on Facebook. They leave while I'm out on another delivery. When I get back the girls hand me a note Jordan wrote on a napkin for me...

Napkin Note from Jordan Asfari (July 26 2015)

Realizing that I've accumulated a good amount of tips today – it feels rewarding.

I love discovering new designs in hotels at the oceanfront. I've never seen an elevator door painted like this...

Cool Elevator Door at Oceanfront Inn (July 26 2015)

Off work and back home.

Tofu with Broccoli, Carrots, Onions, and Rice in Garlic Sauce.

Watching Monsters: Dark Continent (2014).

Going for a night ride at the oceanfront – this time it's Rage Against the Machine as my soundtrack.

White Peach. Milk Chocolate.

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

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