Waking up shortly after noon.
Steel Cut Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Maple Syrup, Strawberries, and Kefir. Guayusa Tea.
Finishing Enemy at the Gates (2001).
Later on in the afternoon I come downstairs to find Kofi in my dining room! He's in town for a few days before he goes back up north to New York. His scent is strong with Egyptian musk. Him and Will strike up conversation for a long while.
Getting groceries at Kroger.
General chores.
Scrambled Eggs. Sesame Bagel with Non-Dairy Cream Cheese. Potato Chips. Honey Green Tea.
Starting The Hurt Locker (2008).
Learning Pink Floyd songs on the keyboards.
Making an early dinner: Adzuki Beans, Roasted Kale Sprouts, Carrots, Red Onions, and Basmati Rice.
Kofi's been chilling at the house all day. He tags along with me to Norfolk for a rock show at Pancho & Luigi's. On the drive there we get stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, not caused by the usual construction and repaving crews but from an accident.
There at the show. Elliott's putting on a solo You're Jovian performance using a multi-track player plugged into a guitar and bass amp while he plays drums and sings. Edgier bands go on after him. Outside on the smoker's patio talking with Josiah, Bianca, and Kofi about kung fu, Niagara falls, and music. Sipping on one-dollar Presidente pilsners.
Jessa Potter's here too. I haven't really talked with her that much since she's been out of jail. She seems to be busying herself with lots of music and socializing. Kofi takes a liking to her but he seems to be taking a liking to any girl really. Maybe it's just a game for him.
Later on, with Kofi, driving back to Virginia Beach. He hollers at two hood girls at a stoplight. The cute one explains to Kofi that she's married and even if she wasn't he wouldn't be ready for what she's got. I miss hanging out with this guy.
Meeting up at Rick's Café with Elliott and Kofi. Ana rides her bike here from the house and joins us. Elliott orders me a belated birthday short stack of Pancakes. I don't even really want anything to eat but hot pancakes sounds like a good idea after an alcohol buzz. They've got the TV on the religious station. Elliott gets excited when a phone number pops up on the screen for you to call in for a prayer. Quickly, Elliott dials the number and hands the phone over to Kofi, who is basically comatose after eating french toast. The person on the other line asks Kofi for all his personal information starting with his name...
"Kofi Newton," he says. "Newton! Cause I'm related to Isaac Newton."
Then, his address and phone number.
At some point in the conversation Kofi recites The Doors, "You cannot petition the Lord with prayer!" and then gets cut off.
Back home.
Sleep 4 a.m.
[i] Images by me.
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