Waking up at 11 a.m.
A little bit of Greek Yogurt and Strawberries. Yerba Mate Tea.
Ana and I drive out to Portsmouth to visit with my mom, Myra, and Kenny. We were supposed to just pick up my mom and go to Ana's aunt's house but the Filipino family changed the Thanksgiving dinner time suddenly so we hang at the Portsmouth house.
Mom made three, not two or one, but three sweet potato pies from scratch. Ana and I didn't really eat any breakfast so we eat a slice along with Biscuit Bread Pudding I got from Handsome Biscuit.
As we're enjoying the goodness of the pie Ana says to my mom, "You know what I taste? Your love."
"Every moment in life only happens once," Ana blurts out. She's notorious for making up phrases like this that could easily be read on a greeting card.
Helping them install a new washing machine.
Around 4:30 p.m. we grab my mom and head over to one of Ana's aunt's house in Norview near the airport. Most of Ana's family is here, her cousins, uncles, aunts, and especially her 92-year-old thriving grandma (she lights up the room with her operatic voice and there's no stopping her). Ana tells me it's all the singing she does that has kept her alive for so long.
Ana's Aunt has us go around the room introducing ourselves and sharing the things we are thankful for. When it's my turn I put my arm around my mom and explain to the group how thankful I am for her and that she lives so close to me now. Then, I turn to Ana and put my other arm around her.
"And I'm thankful for this lady right here – she's a special joy in my life."
When it's my mom's turn she gives a thoroughly sincere reflection about her life. I'm glad I was able to get her over for Thanksgiving to meet Ana's family and everything. After we stuff our faces and bellies with the endless supply of Thanksgiving food we open the piano lid and pull out the guitar for performances and sing-a-longs. The majority of Ana's family is musical so everyone is singing.
Dropping my mom back over at the Portsmouth house.
Then back home. Ana and I are pooped out. I eat some leftover Veggies, Peas, and Biscuit Bread Pudding.
Herbal Tea.
Sleep 2:30 a.m.
[i] Images by me.
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