Sunday March 20 2016

Pancake Brunch with Couch Surfers (March 20 2016) (3)[i]

Waking up at 11 a.m.

I take it upon myself to make breakfast for Ana and our couch surfers, Alicia and Marta: Steel Cut Oat Blueberry Pancakes with Yerba Mate.

Pancake Brunch with Couch Surfers (March 20 2016) (2)

While enjoying the hearty pancakes we talk about the difference between German yogurt and American yogurt, and how divided our country is politically.

Ladada has a recording session scheduled with Ross at the New Jersey house in Norfolk. Josiah has old Bamm Bamm recordings of two songs that he wanted to re-record the drum and bass tracks for. Downstairs in the kitchen I enjoy a serving of Vegetarian Lasagna and Fruit. It turns into an all day thing but we accomplish something great.

Ladada Recording Session (March 20 2016)

Back home. We have new couch surfers tonight, three girls from Atlanta. Kevin seems to have been entertaining them before I got here with wine and his violin.

Eating leftover Lentils, Kale, and Brown Rice.

Chamomile Tea.

Playing Super Mario Bros 3.

Sleep 1:40 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

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