Friday June 17 2016


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Out on the sidewalk in Chanticleer (my neighborhood) I discover Britney Spears hanging out – she's dressed like an average business woman with light brown baggy slacks.

"What're you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm just trying to live my life," she replies.

I guess she decided to move here to Virginia Beach and be a normal person and not a celebrity. There's a little kid hanging around with us. She seems to take a liking to him. They jump around and dance – doing somersaults and all kinds of flips. I snap a few photos with my phone.


Later, back in the house in my bedroom. There's less stuff in here and I've got three or four desks. I sit down at my computer to type out my experiences. Britney walks in and sits on the other side of the bed. She's got a fat cat running around chasing random creatures flying in the room. It's understood that her and I are friends now. I guess she trusts me.  

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Waking up at noon. I've been sleeping in much later lately. Trying to recover from a sickness so it's necessary.

Steel Cut Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Maple Syrup, Blueberries, and Kefir. Yerba Mate Tea.

Practicing on guitar. My voice is still not 100%. I hate it. But Ana helps me with her voice. Meanwhile, Elvis is running around like cats do swatting and pouncing at our legs.

Grilled PB&J. Plantain Chips. Honey Green Tea.

Errands. Talking with an associate at Chartway about upping my credit limit and about a business loan.

At Grumpy's for the DEJA gig.

Vegetable Chili with Chicken and Naan Bread.

My nose is out of control – I've got to keep a wad of tissues near my keyboards while I play. My head hurts from all the loud songs. I get through it as best I can.

Back home.

Cherries. Pineapple.


Sleep 3 a.m.

[i] Image by DeeGee.

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