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Outside of my old church sitting down with Christy McCloud, a youth pastor of mine back in the day. I'm talking with her about some revelation I had...
"Music is like a streamline to God," I tell her.
In my mind I have a profound understanding of this as I explain it to her.
"You're playing music and it opens up a streamline of communication from up here to down here. And then, you've opened up the gateway to God."
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Waking up at 11:09 a.m.
Irish Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Maple Syrup, Strawberries, and Kefir. Yerba Mate Tea.
Running errands with mom. First, we meet up with a daughter and mom that are selling a digital piano on Craigslist out in Aragona. Turns out they run Star Brite Performance Centre, a program that does summer camps for kids. My mom does most of the talking and explains our situation with Music Makers. So maybe we'll be able to help each other's businesses out. She says it was an interesting coincidence meeting them – something felt right about it.
Then to the recycling center to exchange some old copper for money.
Then, picking up her and Myra's queen size mattress to put in the living room.
Banana. Watermelon. PB&J English Muffins. Potato Chips. Honey Green Tea.
Watching a documentary on Janis Joplin.
Teaching lessons at Music Makers. I'm down to a whisper voice. I warn each of my kids that I lost my voice this morning. Almost all of them whisper with me all the way through lessons.
Back home. Mom cooked us dinner: Chicken with Black Beans, Kale, Carrots, and Rice.
Ladada rehearsal with Josiah and Bobby. Josiah really wanted us to learn La Bamba by Ritchie Valens – what seemed like an out of place Ladada song turned into a perfect Ladada song.
Doing last minute chores at the house.
Sleep 3 a.m.
[i] Image by me.
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