Thursday September 1 2016

Waking up at 11:45 a.m.

Irish Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Raisins, Maple Syrup, and Kefir. Guayusa Tea.

Running errands.

Toasted PB&J. Potato Lentil Curls. White Peach. Pineapple Juice.

Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

Back home.

Eating leftover Pizza and Broccoli Slaw.

Ladada rehearsal at the Tidewater storage unit.

I tried to get Ana to bake cookies but she was too tired. I still need my chocolate fix so I settle on a stop at CVS for a bar.

Back home. Ana and I brave our arms and hands holding Elvis down to clip his claws. He still acts like a crazy cat wallowing around trying to resist. After fifteen minutes of struggle we get it done. Towards the end he seems to give up and realizes it doesn’t hurt at all.

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

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