Friday October 6 2017


Waking up at 11:07 a.m. from heavy dreams.

Bowl of Honey Crunch n Oats with Banana, Strawberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.

Catching up on business.

Practicing piano for the two DEJA gigs this weekend.

PB&J. Potato Chips. Green Tea. Fuji Apple.

Teaching my in-home lessons. Eventually I end up at Amy Brown’s house where I teach Jack, her son, and debuting lessons with her friend Hannah and her son, Nash. They invite me to stay for dinner: Salmon, Zucchini Salad, Broccoli, and Sweet Potatoes.

At the DEJA gig – Wing King in Kempsville. Mom accompanies me. We sip on Stella’s as I join the band on stage in blasting epic rock tunes of yore through the speakers. Katey Moss, a former student at Music Makers sits on “Stairway to Heaven” and “War Pigs”. She’s really come a long way on the drums – soon enough she’ll be a leading master in the area.

Back home. Enjoying Gelato at the dining booth while Mace noses around my lap and wherever seems fit for a cat.

Later on, I try to recount my day to Ana. We’re both tired but it seems she’s out to get me with a closed off mood. I’ve been so preoccupied with so many responsibilities we haven’t found time to really spend together. I can tell this is an issue but I can’t get her to talk to me about it without attacking me in some way. And I don’t want her to feel attacked by me. It’s a tender situation sometimes being in a relationship.

Sleep 4 a.m.

[i] Image by me.

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