Tuesday August 27 2019

Waking up a little before 11 a.m. Ana lies beside me caressing my back and legs leading to fire.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, Maple Syrup, and Kefir. Irish Breakfast Tea.


At the Rec with Ana playing basketball and getting the blood flowing.




Melon. Scrambled Eggs. Bagel with Butter and Jam. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Coffee.

Watching John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum (2019).


Teaching lessons at Music Makers. It’s a perfectly busy day with Rachel manning the front desk and me running back and forth making sure things go smoothly.


Salmon, Corn on the Cob, Kale, Carrots for dinner. Sharing the meal with mom.




Later on, at the studio with Ana practicing songs. Then, changing the strings on my acoustic guitar.





Sleep 4 a.m.

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