Sunday September 15 2019



Waking up around 11:45 a.m.


Ana and I continue our Sunday tradition to Three Ships for Pastries, Biscuits, and Coffee.


Afterwards, I go over to Great Neck Park near the Rec where my old church is having a family picnic. My mom is there. I say hi to a few people. We walk to the water for a bit. Then, basketball with some of the kids.


Back home. Our friend and Music Makers student, Jenna, stops by to possibly be our new roommate. She’s been going through some big life changes and needs a new place to get her life together.


Eating some leftover Eggs, Pancakes, and Bacon from Ana.


Brainstorming with mom on how to sign up more members for MMLIVE bands.


Later on, mom and I drive over to Joe’s house off Cypress. He’s been a Music Makers guitar teacher for a few years now and is going to be moving to Hawaii very soon. He wanted to cook a special dinner for us, a Spanish inspired dish involving a large round steel skillet full of seafood, tomatoes, and short grain rice cooked over a charcoal grill. It’s a fun teamwork experience between us all. We over salted but it was still delicious. His Labrador dog runs around with a lot of energy. It’s nice just talking with Joe about music and perks/downsides to being a professional musician.



Back home. Settling down and organizing some things.



Sleep 4 a.m.

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