Tuesday January 7 2020


Waking up at around 11 a.m.


Date and Almond Bar. English Breakfast Tea.


Taking care of Music Makers business and scheduling. Not gonna teach yet cause there’s still so much to organize and do.


Running errands. Cleaning up the Christmas decorations at the studio.


Scrambled Eggs. Toast with Butter and Jam. Snow Peas. Coffee.

Watching The Kid (2019).


Meanwhile, a rain storm came through and afterwards I see a post from one of our students, Olivia. She took a picture of a rainbow that shone near Music Makers and said, “Ms. Karen came to visit Music Makers in the form of a rainbow!

So fitting. I see it as a sign from God that even with mom not here he is still watching over us.


I keep working on this slideshow of mom. It takes a lot of time.


Earlier today Frank Mihlon, a parent of two of our students and doctor who kept close watch on my mom’s cancer battle, put up a fundraiser thing on Facebook to raise $2,000 to help costs of the funeral/cremation and so forth. Before nighttime even hits people donated way more than expected. It’s not even about the money. It’s just the outpouring of love and support that feels so awesome.


Later on, Ana arrives home with a dinner idea: Fresh Tomato Soup with Peas, Kale, and a Baguette. We work together to get the meal done. Watching a Prank Encounters episode together.


I decide to pack Christmas away – taking down the Christmas tree on the table and other things we had out.


At Music Makers playing some music – trying to brainstorm some things to play at mom’s funeral.



Sleep at some point. Ana and I have started this ritual of praying with each other every night. It’s a way to reflect and keep our minds at peace.

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