Friday May 22 2020


Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, and Almond Milk. Irish Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business.


Ana and I drive over to Aloha Snacks for some tempura goodness. Then checking out the basketball hoop they have on the loop by 1st Street. There’s a couple dudes shooting around. We play a few 2-on-2 pickup games.



While Ana and I are picking up a bike tube at Trek I run into Xander, a cello/violin teacher I almost hired for Music Makers.


Later on, Tristan meets up with us at the house. He brought his bike. We ride out, the three of us, on a bike adventure to the oceanfront. It’s been raining all week so everybody’s itching to get out of the house and soak in the sunshine!


We take our usual route all the way to the Rudee inlet and up the boardwalk. Stopping by Gringo’s for Tristan to try out his first Virginia Beach taco. Then Lolly’s for ice cream.


Back home. Ana and I fix up a quick dinner: Japanese Style Fried Rice with Kale and Green Beans. Watching an episode of Twin Peaks.


Getting into a deep discussion about our relationship and the expectations we have for each other.


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