Sunday August 2 2020


Waking up at 11 a.m.


Cereal with Blueberries. Black Tea.


Coaching two MMLIVE bands. Both bands have been really productive. We even incorporated an original song into the set.


Quick lunch at the house: Scrambled Eggs. Toast with Butter and Jam. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Coffee.


At Broadway rehearsal at Freedom Fellowship. So grateful we have this big room to conduct a program of this scale. I’m mainly here to lead the “You’re in the Band” School of Rock number. It’s a lot of fun. And with all this caffeine in my system I can’t help but encourage everyone along.


Back home. Resting for a bit.


Finally, the rain has chosen to rest for today. I head out to Lynnhaven Park to play a few pickup basketball games. Meanwhile, Ana and Erica skate nearby.


Linking up at the house with Pizza from Pizza Chapel and watching an episode of Chef’s Table.


Catching up on business.


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