Saturday October 31 2020

Waking up around noon. Had a dream mom was still alive – I tend to have these often. In the dream it’s like she survived past death but is still sick.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. Irish Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business.


Meeting with Jordan and Kay at the MOCA to look over the sound and light system in the auditorium. Meanwhile, people are setting up for a wedding.


Scrambled Eggs. Biscuit with Butter and Jam. Kale. Chips. Coffee.

Watching an episode of Unsolved Mysteries (2020).


Running errands.



After Ana gets off work we head to The Alley where Three Ships and Pink Dinghy are. They invited everyone here for an outside jam session in celebration of Chase who recently passed. Zack, from Snake Mountain Revival, set up a couple drum sets with an organ, guitars, a marimba, mics, and percussion instruments. Everybody just hops on things creating a beautiful unified jam right under the bright lit moon. It’s a perfect Halloween night.



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