Monday February 1 2021

Waking up around 11:40 a.m.


Cereal with Blueberries and Banana. Tea.


Workout at the gym. Excited to be using my new AirPod Pros – completely cordless and free to move about.


Scrambled Eggs. Spinach. Toast with Butter and Jam. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers. Madelaine is quarantining at home so we have no one watching the front desk. I manage to get an hour to catch up things in between. I joke to our teachers that Mondays combined with it being the 1st of the month really make for a crazy day.


Back home to share dinner with Ana – she made Vegan Burgers and I brought Five Guys Fries to go with. It was quite a hassle to leave work, pick up the fries, and get into our neighborhood. The construction gets worse and worse on Laskin Road. Now they’ve blocked off the Winwood entrance to our neighborhood so the only way in is off Fremac. Not only that but whenever we leave we’re forced to drive the opposite direction and make a thousand U-turns just to get to anywhere in Hilltop.


Back at the studio for the band jam with Thomas, Merrill, and Billy. Ana joins on vocals for the Rage Against the Machine and Rush song.


Finally home settling down. Drinking Green Tea and cleaning up things in the kitchen.


Catching up on business.


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