Monday May 16 2022

Waking up bright and early in the hotel room at 8:00 a.m.


Ron, Mike, Rebecca, and I have to get Nancy to Penn Station in the heart of New York City. She’s gotta get on an Amtrak train. Our only option is for me to escort her there once we arrive. I help get her to the check-in. Then grab some bagels from a stand nearby – impeccable timing just as the van had circled around the block I Venmo the guy $10 and dive into the van.


We continue down south on the NJTP – napping in the back – then on 13.


Snacking and helping the time pass by sharing music.


Successfully across the Bay Bridge Tunnel but the saga continues. Mike, Rebecca, and I have to get to Nigel’s house to drop off the van – out load into my car – drive to the warehouse – drop off Mike – then Rebecca and I get back into Hilltop.


It’s nice to have my own cooked meal.

Eggs. English Muffin. Spinach. Coffee.


At the gym I’m able to work out. Dion, the owner usually hangs around past 9 to do his own things and lets me stay late.


Grabbing some groceries at Kroger.


Back home. Cleaning up and unpacking.


Catching up on business.


Snacking on PB&J Stackers.




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