Saturday September 24 2022

Waking up at 10:30 a.m.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


At Music Makers. Coaching the MMLIVE adult band. We run through Beat It and I Want it That Way.


Broadway Rehearsal begins in the 104 space while I set up a few things and catch up on business.


Helping some of the cast with singing their lyrics.


Later, at Riffhouse Pub in South Norfolk for the highly anticipated Ringo’s show featuring all the bands that practice at the storage unit including Ladada, The Warm Hug, Broken Beaches, Raise Hell Over The Summer, Shormey, and Community Witch. We place Ringo, the awkward Beatles doll at the foot of the stage overseeing everything. It’s a long show but really cool to see all our fellow bands perform their craft. The Warm Hug really touched my heart strings with their gentle but discordant sound. Community Witch performs in the middle sweet spot of the night – lively crowd. I’m always proud of Ana and her band cause every time I see them they get tighter and tighter.


Over at the bar I run into conversation with Drew, Ana’s new guy. Even though it might seem awkward we talk about music and shows like any other friend of the scene. He’s a nice dude actually. And there must be something in him that Ana likes and worthy of her attention.


At the end of the show everybody lingers and mingles – settling up our bar tabs. Hanging with Jordan and Alley Pamp outside. Jordan lovingly takes responsibility of Ringo. Later, Jordan and I have a good powwow about all the things going on. She always helps regain my perspective.


Back home. Relaxing and settling down.


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