Wednesday May 31 2023

Waking up just before 1 p.m.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


Turbo Phil is still in town helping Nigel do things – he drops by the house where the bus is parked to change the air filter and check a few things. He gives me a rundown of all the mechanical stuff he thinks I should know about.


Then, we take the trailer to the Superior trailer shop to have them service it. The people there know Nigel well.


Grilled PB&J. Coffee.


Watching the front desk at Music Makers for a while then meeting with Addy to make sure our recital list is in order. Afterwards, Modern Day Warrior has a band practice that I help them with. They may have a gig next week.


Pasta and Salad for dinner.

Watching Dark (2017).


Doing chores and catching up on business.

Tuesday May 30 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on so much business.




Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Chips. Coffee.

Watching Dark (2017).


Teaching a few lessons at Music Makers – then meeting with people at the front desk – discussing business – Heathyr is leaving us soon – Talking over Broadway things coming up with Rebecca.


Black Beans, Salmon, Quinoa, Salad, and Garlic Bread.

Watching things.


Stuff around the house.


Monday May 29 2023

Waking up around noon.


Granola Cereal with Blueberries, Banana, and Almond Milk. Tea.


Catching up on business.


Running errands. Meeting a tow guy that’s towing my car to Jamil’s shop. Stopping by Music Makers to catch up on things with Allyson – there’s a lot of prep to be done.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Chips. Coffee.

Watching Dark (2017).


Shooting some basketball around at the Linkhorn courts.


Driving the bus over to the warehouse – cleaning some things out and organizing.


Pasta for dinner.


Ice Cream.


Catching up on things.


Sunday May 28 2023

Waking up super late again. I keep having these dreams about Ana – this time we’re in the dining room sort of reconnecting – there’s crying and understanding.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At the Rec exercising and working out.

Protein Shake.


Meeting Brittany Agrillo at Music Makers to discuss her potentially teaching here.


Running errands.


Catching up on business.


Rebecca comes over to meet about Broadway stuff coming up. There’s a lot to catch up on. We also divulge into other concerns – she has really shown a sense of dissatisfaction and unhappiness about everything she’s doing. I try to talk with her about it – stuff related to money and dreams and achieving goals.


Ramen Dinner. Ice Cream.

Watching Dark (2017).

Saturday May 27 2023


I’m at a festival of some kind with a mix of friends and strangers. I’m actually supposed to perform second on the line up. But when I start setting up I find out they don’t have an HDMI connect on the stage so I can’t control my laptop unless I’m by the sound board. I’m furious cause I had planned to play this movie about The Cure for some reason and commentate on it from the stage. None of the house guys are being helpful in any way nor are they concerned. So I just throw my hands up and say, “Well then I’m not doing it!” and walk off in a huff. I wasn’t even sure what I was going to say on the mic anyway but the point was how I felt.


Later on, I see Bianca, Erica, and a few of Ana’s friends try to lift Ana up from the ground. It’s understood that she was drunk and had been sleeping. They take her somewhere to relax and she keeps saying how tired she is.


Later later on, I’ve made my way to a hotel room. For some reason Ana is lying on the couch as if she was supposed to be in here. She wakes up and I try to tell her all about what happened in this dream like old friends.



Waking up real later after noon.


Granola with Banana, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. Tea.


Catching up on business.


Meeting with Jamil at the shop to get a second opinion on the Camry. The shop claimed they needed to replace the entire engine. But he’s gonna take a look at it in his shop.


Eggs. Spinach. Chips. Bagel. Coffee.

Watching Violent Night (2022).


Chores – vacuuming.


At Music Makers in the 104 space working out and exercising.


Vegan Chili with Trout, Rice, Baby Broccoli, Carrots, and Garlic Bread.


Catching up on stuff at the computer.


Friday May 26 2023

Waking up as late as I want.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Raisins, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Watching John Oliver and catching up on computer stuff.


None of my vehicles are here. I have to walk to the shop to retrieve the truck. Depositing some rolled coins and hundreds by the bank on the way.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Coffee.


At Music Makers talking with Addy about the recital and all the things coming up that we need to prepare for at Music Makers.


Running errands – Whole Foods – Target.


Making a Ramen dinner.


Catching up on more things and chores.


Thursday May 25 2023

Waking up at a Love’s truck stop somewhere between Florida and North Carolina.


Granola Bar. Tea.


Catching up on stuff at the computer. I’ve literally been on this bus for almost two days.


The bus still rolls along – everyone is eager to get home.


Stop somewhere for gas – I run across the street for an Egg Bagel from Dunkin.


We finally arrive at Nigel’s house in VB where all his little nieces are anxiously waiting. Some people get off. The rest of us trek on to the warehouse to unload the trailer and clean out our stuff.


I drive the bus home and clean it out thoroughly – vacuuming, organizing, and mopping. Nigel gave me some money to detail it before they take it on some Right On gigs this weekend.


It feels so great to be in my own house – Elvis is very glad to see me.


Making dinner: Black Beans, Salmon, Rice, Spinach, and Garlic Bread.


Doing chores – laundry – cleaning.


Grateful to be in my own unmoving bed.


Wednesday May 24 2023


Sleeping on and off in the bottom bunk waking up at the truck stops to help pay for gas.


Getting some stuff done at the computer.


Then, suddenly, the saga continues. Bob drives us over a mean bump and crack in the road that causes the hitch to literally crack clear off. So now we’re in the middle of Prichard, Alabama, about 5 minutes away from a Love’s. I joke that it’s strike three for Bob. First we didn’t clear that curb in Denver and shredded a trailer tire. Second, we get stuck in the mud in the middle of a storm in Texas. And now, broken hitch in Alabama.


We unhitch the trailer and drive the bus to meet a welder in town. It’s a whole deal. Luckily, there’s a local coffee shop called Moka’s nearby. I grab a few smoothies and coffees.


The welder guy has his friend drop by to give us a jack to use. Nigel convinces him to take me to pick up the guys and trailer we left on the crash site. His name is Garrett – super nice guy – Nigel of course gave him a hundred to get the job done.



While we wait on the welder sparking up the back of the bus in front of the Red Roof Inn, a few of us grab dinner from a Hibachi place across the street. Nigel pays the guy and we’re back on the road again!


I take a driving shift from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Playing some soft rock tunes with Bob in the passenger seat. We talk about his time in the war and other things with his family.


Side note of concern is the animosity between Turbo Phil and Bob (the old guy drivers). I attempt to talk with them individually about smoothing things over with each other. I just can’t believe how bad it’s gotten though that they can’t even sit up front and work together anymore.


After a gas stop at a Pilot, I make some Green Tea and catch up on stuff at the computer.


Sleeping in the bottom bunk.


Tuesday May 23 2023


Waking up at a decent hour at the hotel in San Angelo, Texas.


Rebecca and I pack up our things earlier than everyone else so we can walk to this local coffee shop by the venue. It takes a little longer than we expected but totally worth it. I get an Egg and Cream Cheese Bagel with Cinnamon Roll and Coffee. Rebecca claims it’s the best Chai Tea Latte she’s ever had. Meanwhile, we play a game of checkers.


Then, walking over to the performing arts center a block over. Getting loaded in and setting up the stage.


I do some laundry in between sound check.


Baked Potatoes for dinner.


The crowd fills in. We go through the motions of our two 45 minute sets. It’s our last gig of this tour so everyone is overjoyed to be done.



Packing up and loading out. We drop by the hotel briefly to pick up Ron and Bob. A storm is in the distance – strong winds almost blow us away.


As we venture east, the rain falls in dramatic fashion – water leaks through a few windows. At some point Bob got a little lost on some back roads and attempts to turn us around off the side but unfortunately, we get stuck in the mud. Kevin and I attempt to use some boards we have lying around to wedge the wheels but no luck. A local cop truck happens to be driving by and helps call us a tow truck. We make bets on how long it’ll take. But it doesn’t take too long. Once the guy arrives on site he attaches his wench mechanism and pulls us out no problem. Nigel, of course, negotiates a cheaper cash deal with him and we finally get back on the road.



I fall asleep in the bottom bunk with fingers crossed nothing more goes wrong.


Monday May 22 2023

Waking up bright and late in the bunk on the tour bus. We’ve arrived in San Angelo, Texas! Bob drives up to what he thinks is the hotel but to our surprise is a retirement home lol. Next door is the hotel we find out.


Checking in. This place has an atrium with a lot of interesting features like an arcade, playground, pool tables, ping pong, swimming pool, etc.


I take a walk into downtown – buying some coffee and pastries from Longhorn Coffee. Linking up with Rebecca by the Concho River where there’s a river walk full of wildlife like squirrels, wrens, grackles, cranes, and fire ants. We take our time observing the animals, fountains, and all the weird various structures.



Later on, Nigel gives us all dinner money and we go out to The Angry Cactus, a great classy spot not far from the hotel. Shakes from nearby to top it all off.


Back at the hotel in the atrium we all hang out – playing ping pong with Micah and Michael.


I can’t sleep too early so I catch up on things at the computer with a cup of green tea – also trying to get rid of this coughing spell.


Sunday May 21 2023

Waking up around 10 a.m. We’ve got no rush to leave the hotel room even though check out is 11. I add on some thoughts to Rebecca about our talks last night that kind of help me understand what’s going on.


Snacking on some Strawberries, a Breakfast Bar, and some Tea before linking up with the rest of the crew at the pool – everybody’s been hanging here all morning.


Hitting the road with Bob at the wheel. It’s God awful hot today and this desert air is super dry so the heat hits different. Our little AC in the back barely helps with the temperature along with all our little box fans. Everybody sweats it out and anticipates the night fall.


Truck stop after truck stop. Eventually, we arrive in Gila Bend, Arizona for a dinner stop. We all enjoy a nice meal at a hole in the wall Italian joint called Little Italy. Nearby, is an abandoned motel with all the old signs still up and also a UFO themed diner that looks interesting enough to buy a mug and snap a pic with the alien mannequin.



Later on, after the night kicks in I suddenly get inspired to cuddle up with Rebecca. We haven’t really been affectionate or physical this whole tour cause of getting sick and the challenges of having enough time for leisurely things.


After a few stops it’s time to grab some zzz’s on the futon and the bunk.


Saturday May 20 2023

Waking up at 9:10 a.m. – I seemed to have gotten enough sleep.


Piling into the bus/trailer. Slurping up some eggs from the free hotel breakfast with strawberries and a banana.


Taking a nap in the back while Bob and Turbo Phil drive us to Pala, California. All the Californian mountains are still so beautiful.



Arriving at the Pala Casino. Loading in is a bit confusing – just general confusion on how to get gear up to the events center and how to check in. But we manage. It’s just that casinos are always maze-like and takes acclimating.


Getting the stage set up and doing sound check.


Grabbing some Shrimp and Bok Choy dinner in the casino.


The show room is packed out! We perform our two sets back to back without intermission. Lots of good energy. The band is vibin’ and Kevin is thrivin’.



Packing up and loading out.


Linking up with Rebecca, Casey, and Jimmy in one of the restaurants. There’s like half a waiter there and everything takes forever. We spend almost two hours there.


Afterwards, Rebecca and I help Casey out with some relational issues going on – also there was a scare where Edwin locked himself in the hotel bathroom and Casey thought something bad happened. Fortunately, he was just passed out drunk on the floor sleeping and snoring soundly.


Then, Rebecca and I chill out in the room. She brings up some uncomfortable topics about our relations and other things. I’m thrown off my game a little. We talk it through but now I’m feeling despondent. I was really looking forward to some actual leisure time with her non-work related and no stress. But now I just feel bummed out.


Friday May 19 2023


Waking up late enough at 11:20 a.m. It’s a brand new day with fingers crossed. The hotel is mad at us though cause we can’t park the bus and trailer in their parking lot – so now we’re rushing to get out of there.


We all pile in and drive 10 minutes up the road into Rolling Hills Estate – playing an outside show Palos Verdes Performing Arts Center. Nearby, is corporate city with a Target, Starbucks, banks, etc. I run some errands on foot.


It’s actually a kind of cool temperature out so it’s nice. People seem in higher spirits today.


Loading in and setting up the stage. It’s really high up with a big ramp. We’ve gotten really good at setting everything up pretty quickly. Meanwhile, in the green room area venue crew people are perpetually moving panels and things around from room to room.


Sound check goes smoothly – Edwin isn’t last minute doing front of house this time and has more time to figure it out.



I head over to a Pho Noodle place for dinner. Enjoying Chicken Noodle and Kimchi Pancakes. Eavesdropping on these couples next to me discussing the daily struggle of raising kids. Meanwhile, I hear an ABBA song playing softly on the radio.



Getting ready and hopping on the stage. My voice is still completely useless so I’m essentially miming my vocal parts. It’s still believable and I put my heart into the piano. The crowd makes use of the open dance floor and looks like they’re having a great time.



Packing up and loading out. It’s nice not having to drive somewhere other than the hotel tonight.


Snacking up and settling in for the night.


Thursday May 18 2023

Waking up at 8:30 a.m. in the Red Lion hotel. Another place with no elevators haha. But we deal with it.


Bob and Turbo Phil drive us into Bakersfield, California. It’s super, super hot inside the bus and we can’t seem to get the temperature under control. We all suffer until a Pilot truck stop saves us. I buy a huge box of strawberries from a Mexican guy selling out of his truck. This makes my day.


Later on, at the venue. We set up the stage. Only two stage hands today but we manage. This place has his charm and we love the neon lit marquee. But little did we know the bad things to come.


Grabbing some cold brew coffee up the block from Dagny’s.



Sound check goes almost smoothly until Phil, the sound guy, makes a comment about how difficult of a time he’s having equalizing Leon’s new snare drum. Leon isn’t having it whatsoever and of course can’t let it go. The two of them share some words and go alpha male at each other. Kevin intervenes and doesn’t approve the way Phil creates these little fits in the band. Then, they have at it outside. It’s crazy listening to them go back and forth. A few of us just observe. Everything Phil is saying to Kevin is not wrong. But there’s no reason to get heated in the way that he did. The two of them haven’t ever gotten along.


This whole thing ends with Phil collecting money from Nigel, hopping on an Uber, and taking a plane home. So now, Edwin has to take his place last minute. Everyone is feeling somewhat relief but also shock. A second sound check is in order so Edwin can mix for himself.


I grab some dinner up the street.


We all gather outside the neon lit marquee at the Fox Theatre. We did this last year and it’s tradition to get a group photo.



Show time! First set goes okay. But then second set Kevin starts to get frustrated with his ear mix and incessantly fiddles with his microphone stand. He’s not singing confidently and half the time just cutting out completely. My voice is out for the count so I can’t exactly help back him up or anything.



Then, packing up and loading out. I take the lead on getting things in order and loading the trailer correctly. Tensions are still high but we crack a few jokes on the way out and get out of there.


Nigel got us to stop by a Denny’s. While people are getting off Bob suddenly starts driving the bus while the back door is open. Luckily, only a milk crate gets crushed and no one gets hurt. But it’s such a stressful moment cause I can’t yell and he had no idea.


Then, in the process of Rebecca and I trying to clean up a leak from the A/C unit she hits her head on the back door – this really upsets her and makes her nauseous. Meanwhile, a group of our people are inside ordering.


We really need to stay clear of Bakersfield. Every time we play here bad things happen.


Wednesday May 17 2023

Waking up at 8:30 a.m. at the Traveler’s Inn in Williams, California. Bus call time is 9 a.m. but a couple of people are late.


First gas stop takes forever because of a robot smoothie machine. Then, we have to back track for a second gas station and pull over for a pee break.


Zooming through the hills of California trying to get to the venue on time but alas, traffic and all these setbacks set us back.


Finally arriving at the Sunset Theatre in Carmel By The Sea, California. The design of this room is all browns and a unique church-like triangular shell – a first for me. We set up the stage and get things moving along quickly cause we’re late.



At some point I walk around town searching for food and coffee. This town feels like a bougie part of Busch Gardens with a lot of high dollar cafes and clothing stores. Everything is cute here though.


After sound check Rebecca, Ron, and I take stroll down to the beach. It’s surprisingly cold but gorgeous – cypress trees and big birds of all kinds – the seagulls look like high definition versions of ones back east.



It’s showtime – we’re playing to a full house tonight – 750 or so. I’m feeling achy and a sickness coming on. I pop a pain reliever powder Rebecca gave me and push on.



Packing up and loading out. Some of the crew wants to take a night venture to the beach. I hang back and catch up the footage and stuff from tonight. Really trying to fight off this sickness.


Back at the hotel. Settling in for a good night’s rest.