Thursday May 25 2023

Waking up at a Love’s truck stop somewhere between Florida and North Carolina.


Granola Bar. Tea.


Catching up on stuff at the computer. I’ve literally been on this bus for almost two days.


The bus still rolls along – everyone is eager to get home.


Stop somewhere for gas – I run across the street for an Egg Bagel from Dunkin.


We finally arrive at Nigel’s house in VB where all his little nieces are anxiously waiting. Some people get off. The rest of us trek on to the warehouse to unload the trailer and clean out our stuff.


I drive the bus home and clean it out thoroughly – vacuuming, organizing, and mopping. Nigel gave me some money to detail it before they take it on some Right On gigs this weekend.


It feels so great to be in my own house – Elvis is very glad to see me.


Making dinner: Black Beans, Salmon, Rice, Spinach, and Garlic Bread.


Doing chores – laundry – cleaning.


Grateful to be in my own unmoving bed.


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