Tuesday May 23 2023


Waking up at a decent hour at the hotel in San Angelo, Texas.


Rebecca and I pack up our things earlier than everyone else so we can walk to this local coffee shop by the venue. It takes a little longer than we expected but totally worth it. I get an Egg and Cream Cheese Bagel with Cinnamon Roll and Coffee. Rebecca claims it’s the best Chai Tea Latte she’s ever had. Meanwhile, we play a game of checkers.


Then, walking over to the performing arts center a block over. Getting loaded in and setting up the stage.


I do some laundry in between sound check.


Baked Potatoes for dinner.


The crowd fills in. We go through the motions of our two 45 minute sets. It’s our last gig of this tour so everyone is overjoyed to be done.



Packing up and loading out. We drop by the hotel briefly to pick up Ron and Bob. A storm is in the distance – strong winds almost blow us away.


As we venture east, the rain falls in dramatic fashion – water leaks through a few windows. At some point Bob got a little lost on some back roads and attempts to turn us around off the side but unfortunately, we get stuck in the mud. Kevin and I attempt to use some boards we have lying around to wedge the wheels but no luck. A local cop truck happens to be driving by and helps call us a tow truck. We make bets on how long it’ll take. But it doesn’t take too long. Once the guy arrives on site he attaches his wench mechanism and pulls us out no problem. Nigel, of course, negotiates a cheaper cash deal with him and we finally get back on the road.



I fall asleep in the bottom bunk with fingers crossed nothing more goes wrong.


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