Friday July 14 2023


Waking up in a hotel right next to Lake Eerie.


We all pile into the bus and van. Driving into Lakeside Marblehead, a gated community of tightly woven neighborhoods – absolutely beautiful and quaint.


Loading into the Hoover Auditorium – a vast room with giant ceiling fans and a tabernacle feel.


Things are somewhat stressful today cause it’s been a long time since we’ve done an ELO show and the whole system needs to be rewired and lines checked – so everything takes longer than expected. Plus, Nigel wanted us to dress up for sound check to capture some video footage we don’t normally have the opportunity to get.


Walking (and some golf carting) over to Lakeside Hotel, a place built in 1876, for dinner. We ordered ahead of time. They put us at a long family style table.


Then, ice cream from a shop nearby.


We talk to a lady walking her dog – she explains how open the whole area is they have a trust system where nobody uses a bike lock and barely locks their doors.


The show goes pretty well considering how long it’s been.



Carlos and I take the lead on the trailer pack – we get a lot of help from stage hands.


Back at the hotel gathering in the mess hall – sharing snacks on footage.


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